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After my class I went to my locker to put away all my books and stuff. I got my money hoping there would be something good for lunch. After I got all my stuff I needed I headed to the cafeteria and got in line for fish sticks.
I caught a lot of people staring and boys smirking at me.  When I got up to the front of the line I grabbed my tray and looked for a table to sit at. There was 6 I could choose from.

One looked like the geeky table. The second one looked like the goth table. He third one looked like the preppy table. The forth one looked like the normal people.  The fifth one looked like jocks. And the 6 one looked like all of the popular girls.

I looked at the 6th table and saw Allie and she waved me over to her. I quietly walked over to her ignoring all the remarks from the jock table. I think most of them were from the football team. Yay my new teammates are hitting on me.

Allies POV
I was sitting there talking to some of my friends when I saw Bailey looking for a place to sit. I waved her over hoping she would see. Soon enough she was over here talking to  me and meeting a couple of my friends. Sarah, and Kayla.
I'm the 'smart' one.
Sarah's the 'hot' one.
And Kayla's The 'funny' one.
And I'm guessing now baileys the 'sexy' one or maybe the 'player' one.
Then she asked me what I was saying earlier in class. I explained how me and Grayson are dating and how we have been for 2 years and we both love each other and no one can change that. I think I saw her jaw clench up and her face beginning to go red. She said she had to go to the restroom.

By he time lunch was over she still wasn't back I got worried and went to check on her in the bathroom. What I saw was horrible gross and weird. I didn't even hesitate to call 911.

Baileys POV
After Allie told me the news I was mad. Not of the fact that there dating but that Grayson has never told me. I said I was going to the bathroom. When I got there it was completely empty or so I thought.

*this part may make some people feel uncomfortable*

I went to the sink and just looked at my reflection. Then I saw a figure in the mirror. A boy.

Uh oh. It was the boy from the bus. I was literally scared for my life.
"Hi" he said with a big creepy smirk on his face. 
He grabbed my arm and pulled me into one of the big handicap stales. His hand was on my mouth so I couldn't scream.

He then pulled down my leggings revealing my baby blue lace undies. He took my  jean jacket off along with my purple 'pink' tank top. Also revealing a matching bra.
I started to squeal questioning if he would go farther. 

And that he did. He kissed my neck all the way down. He unclipped my bra and massaged my breast. He when down to my panties and pulled them Down to my ankles.
My heart was beating faster. Faster than I ever thought it could.

I started to cry thinking about the worst. Before i knew it Allie was in the door way calling the cops.

Football twins. A magcon/Dolan twin fan ficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon