18: Retaliation

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After the reveal the Circle was beside themselves after realizing they were betrayed

Qrow: that bastard sure had us fooled.

Glynda: he was a coward then and he's still a coward now.

Ozpin: Leo why?

Kitten: the fact that you weren't forthcoming with your information.

Ironwood: forthcoming?

Qrow: what information?

Jaune: seriously Ozpin?

Ozpin: I have been betrayed too many times to blindly trust anyone anymore.

Glynda: Headmaster.

Jaune: that's the problem Ozpin Trust is a Two way street. Not One way. But I understand what you mean by betrayal. I was betrayed once by one of my own sons.

Ozpin: you too?

Jaune: my Son Luther the Fallen Angel tried to usrupt me of my command when he thought he knew better.

The Dark Angels would have split in two if I had not given my children my trust.

Ironwood: what is this information that Ozpin deemed too dangerous to be divulged?


Ozpin: No Emperor Jaune. I......it has to come from me.

The Circle saw this as truly dire by the expression on Ozpins face


Is Immortal.

The room was deathly silent

Qrow was the first to break the silence

By walking up to Ozpin and giving him a sucker punch

Qrow: I've risked my life, my time with my family and your saying we can't even kill that damn whore!?

Ironwood: Ozpin! You didn't think that was important information!?

Ozpin: the way you are reacting is why I never wanted to tell any of you.

Glynda: and you think that justifies this!?

Ozpin: What do you want me to do!? Just give up!?

Jaune: what we want is complete information Ozpin. We can't fight an enemy we know nothing about.

Ironwood: and we had to have a stranger state this rather than trusting us.

Qrow: if you knew, is that why.....

Amber: let me stop you right there bird boy wonder.

The Imperium went through the Great War. They even led the massive assault on Salem's fortress before.

That's when they discover she was immortal. But with all the damage that multiple wars has incurred on their Kingdom they had to Halt their Advance, performed a Tactical Withdraw and deal with the bleeding back at home.

Kitten: we only recently replenished our numbers.  We are currently stabilizing the Continent.

So what have you all been doing while we Unfuck the situation your leader put us all into?




Jaune: the Adeptus Mechanicus, Ecclisiarchy and the Adeptus Astartes has found a way to deal with her after centuries of research.

My Father's  predecessor his Father started this project. It took a lot of time to make but we finally have a way to put away that witch.

Ozpin: you have? But......I was told I couldn't destroy her at all.

Jaune: who told you that?

Ozpin: do you know of the Fairy Tales?

Jaune: yes.

Ozpin: they are real. And one of them pertains to the Four Relics of Remnant. The Relic of knowledge informed me I can't destroy her.

Jaune: who said anything about Destroy?

Qrow: then what is your plan then?

He shows them a hollograph of something resembling a coffin

Jaune: this is a Stasis Crypt. It is designed to hold a living thing in Stasis forever.

Ironwood: so you basically created a perpetual tomb.....what kind of technology do you people have.

Jaune: it was left behind during the Dark Age of Technology.

This Crypt was made to punish someone for an eternity. With the Machine Spirit within it made to last forever. It will Trap its prisoner by stabbing the body with numerous blades.

And it comes a Neuro Toxin that will increase the victim's senses.

Glynda: isn't that a bad thing though?

Jaune: no it will insanely increase a person's perception of Time. Time will slow down to a crawl that to her eyes our Hour long conversation would be 10,000 years for her.

Imagine world slowed down to such a degree. That when we close the Crypt on her it will take a thousand years for it to close on her as her mind will be drive mad trying to escape but what she doesn't know she's already inside the coffin.

Qrow: that sounds really horrible.......

Amber: you feel bad for her?

Qrow: No. It just that punishment really socks.

Glynda: so your plan is to siege her again and this time put her in a box....how do you know she won't escape?

Jaune: we have built a drill that can tunnel to the center of Remnant.

Qrow: oh then dump the box in a bottomless pit. Well you got my support.

Ironwood: this is a lot to take in.

Amber: first things first. My lord we need to deal with her agents here before they cause some damage.

Jaune: Asmodai, send word to Azrael. The Dark Angels are to safeguard this Kingdom.

Asmodai: yes my lord...and what of the enemy we will encounter?

Jaune: as much as possible, capture if you can and then make them repent.

Asmodai: yes my lord.

Ozpin: so that's it. The CCT is fixed. And her Agents found.....what else is gonna happen.

Jaune: whatever it is we will deal with it together.

The Circle convened the meeting and went on their own assignments

The Dark Angels were deployed while the Imperial Guard took their positions all over Vale

The Eternal Crusader the Emperor's personal Battle Barge was on high alert

Salem's Circle was in for a world of Hurt

Chapter End

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