Depression. What is depression? In my opinion depression is when you see yourself as ugly,stupid,a piece of shit when everyone else knows your not. When you only think bad thoughts. When you think your fat,worthless,and not good enough. Even though you have everything a human being needs in order to survive. You have a body,don't waste it. You have an opportunity to be happy,don't loose that chance. Most importantly,you have life! Don't take that away! When you feel so sad that you want to do something so fucking stupid! "Cut".
"To take the pain away." That's just stupid! And I have done it to so its not just you guys. So I'm calling myself stupid.Depression:feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
"self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression"That means you lose interest in doing things and feeling sad all the time.
"Why does this happen?"
It could be caused by any bad experiences that has happened throughout your life. Say for example you lost someone and you are going through depression right now. There is no fucking reason why you should take your fucking life away! Life is something you want! Don't you want to be happy? Then all you have to do is wait!"Patience"
All you need is patience