spilt milk

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---Emily's POV---

"I wish you didn't have to leave" I begged, swinging my legs off of the bed. Brandon was going on a business trip to Japan for the week. Yeah I know... a WHOLE week!! siiggghhh..."Or at least me go with youuuu" I childishly pouted.

"I know babe. But this is business, I'm lucky they even offered me this job in the first place. I couldn't say no" He stated.. he had a point. He took a summer college class, but other than that he had no college experience... he was just reallly good in computers.  "and if you went, I'd never see you. I'm literally going to maybe get a few hours of sleep throughout the week, I'd feel better you being here at home safe." this wasn't my home...

I kissed him goodbye at the airport, hugging him tightly, we said our farewells. "call me when you land" I whispered into his ear.

"Will do, oh and don't crash the car," he joked, what a cruel joke... He didn't need to bring back buried memories.

"You're so fucking hilarious." I gave him a serious face. "Go, they just called your flight number, be careful" and with that, we went our seperate ways.

The car was a short walk from the terminal. I slid in the black sports car, feeling the steering wheel under my hands. The leather felt smooth. I turned on the engine. The roaring sound startled me, but soon my adrenaline started kicking in. I drove off in high speed, the windows rolled down, wind blowing through my hair. This felt amazing! 'don't crash the car' Brandon's words echoed through my ears. I slowed down quickly, almost going to a complete stop.


"Stephanie you're going too fast!! I'm not enjoying myself anymore!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My hands were tightly gripping the seat underneath me.

"You wanna see fast?" she floored the gas pedal, the twinkling lights from buildings nearby were now a blurr.


Tears were streaming down my face. Wiping them with the back of my hand, I drove home following the speedlimit. When I got there, I parked the car into the complex's garage... I didn't really need to drive that much anyway....

Once, I entered into the flat, I realized there were no groceries in the pantries. I hated going grocery shopping, but from the looks of the empty cabinets... I had to go.

The day seemed quite warm, so I wore some rolled up capris pants, and a loose fitting aqua shirt. Wearing my favorite toms, I walked out of the door. Looking at the car as I walked towards the garage, I stopped. I can just walk from here I'm sure. Turning around, I headed towards the market. The walk, I'm sure, would be long. I needed to think any ways... of the past...

---Harry's POV---

I was grabbing some starbucks for me and the lads. Using two cup holders, I was able to carry all five containers with me. The day was nice outside, a bit warm. My mind was wandering towards different things. The upcoming tour, the crazy time me and the lads had at the bar last night, the text... her... I almost missed it when the girl ahead of me dropped her bags.

Apples rolled around her, bread softly hit the ground, a milk jug spilt over, and other food items thudded onto the floor.

"Are you kidding me?!?!" she screamed... looking towards the sky. I ran up to her and began helping her. "Thanks... Harry?" It was Emily. Her eyes were red from.. crying?

"are you alright Em?" I asked her. Maybe she finally called things off with her boyfriend. Please, Please, please.

"Y-yeah." she assured, rubbing her tears away with her palm, "just... have alot on my plate... and now I won't have anything on my plate," she said, signaling towards the fallen food. "I'll just clean up the vegetables and fruit, the milk is ruined."

"It's alright love, We can just-"

"No, it's not... wasting food is not a good thing" She snapped... why was she crying over spilt milk? (a/n no pun intended lol) "I'm sorry Harry, I just don't like wasting food is all... some people aren't promised meals everyday... I just don't like wasting food." she picked up the last bit of items.

"Why isn't lover boy helping you out with this?" I asked. She stopped and looked up into my eyes as we stood up straight.

"He's in Japan for a week for work. So it's just me, myself, and I for 7 days"

This should be fun...

(a/n omg guys I tried writing a good chapter... please give me feedback on this... if I mispelled anything or messed up please tell me and i'll fix it as soon as i get the chance. I'm leaving to Louisiana in like 1 hour so I didn't want to leave y'all without a warning. I'll be back Saturday night. If I can I'll update through my ipod but idk for sure. again just tell me if I messed up anywhere and I'll fix it:D g2g love y'all)

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