Chapter 1

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As I walked to the orphanage I noticed the sky was getting dark grey clouds. 'Ugh! It better not rain' I said to myself. I help out at the orphanage down the street from school. I was raised there so might as well give something back right? I read to the little kids. Mostly fairy tales of magical places there minds can take them. Usually it's Peter Pan or Cinderella. I make some stories up for them that I wish where true. Like the ones about my 'friends' from school.

As I got to the orphanage I noticed a shinny black care out front. That only meant one thing. Someone got adopted. 'Please don't be Alex. Please don't be Alex' I said that over and over again in my head.

Alex is a cute little girl who doesn't talk to anyone but me. She's my real blood sister but didn't get adopted at the same time as me. My 18th birthday is coming up and I was going to get a house and have her live with me. I ran up the old stone steps to the big wooden doors. I shoved them open letting out a loud creek noise. Once inside inside I ran my way down the old halls to the last wooden door. I shoved it open and looked around the room 'no' I said to myself.

She was sitting in a white chair with her bags beside her. A woman and a man sat a little ahead of her in front of sister Clair's desk. "Alex!" I yelled running to her. She got up and ran to me with tears in her eyes. I pulled her in a tight hug. "Please don't let them take me." She whispered to me. "I can't stop them sweaty" I said as years ran down my face.

"Alex. It's time to go" sister Clair said as she walked over to us. "NO!!" Alex yelled. I was shocked she never talked above a whisper. "Alex I can't stop them sweetie. You have to go" I said trying to be strong for both of us. She pulled away from me and looked at me. "Will I ever see you again?" She asked whispering again. I looked at her 'parents' and they nodded slightly. "Yes. Maybe soon?" I said kissing her forehead for a moment.

After she left with them I was sittin in the garden with the other children. "Can you tell us about Peter Pan?" One asked. They agreed and I smiled at this. "We'll once upon a time in a land where time stands still. There lived a boy barley 17 years old. He didn't want to grow up so he ran away. He found a magic door that led him to this place. This place I speak of is Neverland and the Peter Pan."

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