Chapter 11

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[Ugh 9 more chapters! I can't take this]

"Eat or you'll starve!" One of Hooks men said while yet again trying to make me eat the rotten bread. I just rolled my eyes at his stupidity, because honestly, how can I eat with my mouth being held by a rope? "Stupid girl!" He shouted as I felt a sharp pain go through my left cheek. Sucking in a quick breath I blinked rapidly so the tears wouldn't fall. I've come to learn they hurt you more if you cry. The man slammed down the plate of rotten food and left the room I was in.

"Wake up!" I heard someone shout as I was thrown to the floor. "HES HERE MEN!" someone else yelled as the clink of swords was heard. 'Peter?' I thought as I was being dragged by my tied hands to the door of the room. Once the door opened I quickly shut my eyes, not being used to the bright light. When my eyes opened again, I saw Peter flying around the ship yelling at the men to let me free. "NEVER!" Hook yelled as he yanked me up from the ships floor. "FINE!" Peter yelled.

"Told you he didn't care about you." Hook said as he looked at me with a fake sad expression. "He'll be back" I said as best I could. Hook and his men laughed before he threw me down again. 'Don't be stupid girl!" One of his men yelled. "If he left Wendy, he'd leave you as well." Hook said as my eyes furrowed. "Wendy?" I said confused. Is he meaning Wendy Darling? As in the Wendy? The one who left Peter so she could grow up? "Wendy wrote the story how she wanted it to be, not how it actually was. You see, Peter took Wendy back to her house so she could leave her brothers there, she wanted them to grow up. While she was writing a letter to her brothers Peter made Tinkerbelle use some sort of fairy dust that made her fall asleep. When she woke guess what she found?" Hook said taking a pause to turn to me. "Nothing, not a note, no letter, not even a simple good bye." He said whipping fake tears away from his eyes. 'Peter will do the same to you Payton. You better believe us, we know him best." He said.

I don't know how long they have had me down here, but Peter hasn't come back and I do know at least two days have went by. I don't eat anymore, not that I did before but that was by choice. Now they just stop bringing me food. They know I wont eat it anyway. Hook has sent in a few different men to try and get me to tell him where Peters hide out is, But even if what Hook said was true, I would never betray Peter that way. "Are you going to speak today?" One of Hooks men, who I've come to know as Spike, said as he walked in. Looking at him I gave him a flat look. "Didn't think so." He said before rolling up his sleeves.

"That's enough." Hook said as he walked into the room. "Let her rest a bit. I heard her lover is on his way." He said smirking at me. 'Peter. Don't come here' I thought before everything around me faded and I was consumed in darkness. The sound of swords hitting swords awoke me from my dark sleep. "I have you now Peter!!" I heard Hook yell out. I tried to jump to my feet, but the pain in my body wouldn't allow it. "PETER!!!" I yelled out as the door was yanked open. A few of Hooks men came in and dragged me out of the room throwing me at Hooks feet.

"Hello Darling." Hook said in a mocking voice. "Hook." I said trying to sound angry but it came out raspy and quite. "I told you your lover would be here." He said smiling down at me. Hook reached down and grabbed a fist full of my greasie hair. Yanking me to a standing position. "He's waiting for us." He sais with a sick smile on his face as he dragged my week body outside.

"PETER!" Hook yelled as we got out the door. "I HAVE WHAT YOU WANT" Peter looked our way and instantly my heart began to ache.  I knew he would do anything for me and I knew he would risk everything for me. I couldn't let that happen. Taking what strength I had left I brought my foot up and dropped in down on hooks foot, successfully making his hands release from my hair dropping me to the floor. Peters face turned to one of anger as he flew his way towards Hook. "You will pay for this old man"  Peter sneered as he grabbed my arm gently and flew away with me in his arms. "It's okay love, I have you now." Was the last thing I remember as my eyes closed in the arms of the hopelessly lost boy I was in love with.

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