Chapter [1]

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Chapter 1

Heavy footsteps reverberated from the empty hallway as a student made her way to her designated classroom. Despite the fact that she was already late, she was still taking her time, closely observing her surroundings. It was all too familiar. She has been studying at this school for two years now. And it would take her another two years before she could finally go to college. Just two more years and then she'd finally be free from this hellhole of a school.

This was the first time that she thought badly about the school. She was completely fine, until she was transferred to another section, from the best section to the worst. She had let her guard down in the past year, she let her grades drop and now, this is the consequence of her action.

She wasn't totally popular and all that smart when she was in the top section. But at least being a student from that section was something she could be proud of. And now that the only thing she could brag about is gone, she doesn't know what to do.

She finally reached her dreaded destination. She already had a plan set in mind. She would not talk to any of her new classmates, not until she really needed to. She already hated them even if she hadn't met them personally yet. She knew about the students in the last section. They're the troublemakers. They are the kids you should avoid if you want to keep your record clean. They're the students who your parents had warned you about.

"What? You're disrupting my class!" Uh-oh. She wasn't prepared when she saw the English teacher in front of the room. She forgot their English teacher hated late students. This really was her unlucky day.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am," the student said politely, even though she almost wanted to run away and hide from the teacher's vicious glare.

The teacher's glare subsided when she recognized the late student who was standing by the doorway. The English teacher actually remembered the student from the top section last year when she won a quiz bee with a perfect score. She tried thinking about the student's name. What was it?

"...Icee, isn't it? What are you doing here?" the teacher asked. Her deadly aura had completely vanished. "You're in the wrong section. I think yours is the floor above this one."

"No, Ma'am," the student heaved a sigh. "I'm in the right room. I was transferred here."

'But why?' The teacher wanted to probe. But it wouldn't be a nice thing to do.

"Have a sit then, Icee. Anywhere you like is okay," she told her instead. The student nodded her head as the teacher watched her in pity.

'What did she do to get transferred to this section? Was she caught cheating? Stealing? Did she curse a teacher? Did she do something horrible to her classmate?' Thousands of questions filled the teacher's mind, wondering about what the student did.

It was almost impossible to get transferred from the first to the last section. But why did she?

Everyone's eyes were on the new latecomer as she walked down to an empty seat at the back. The student could feel it. They were judging her, trying to get a glimpse of the bad girl hidden inside of her. And that made the student hate her classmates more. They were talking behind her back, silently chatting about every bad thing she could have done.

But it was her fault, wasn't it? She could've made it into the top section if she hadn't let her grades slip. She hated herself for it. How she didn't work hard enough. And now, she regretted it. She disappointed herself. She disappointed her parents. She disappointed her best friend.

'Fucking low class,' Icee cursed them in her mind. 'I hate this room. I hate this class.'

The teacher continued on with her discussion, but the students inside the room had their attention to someone else. Icee kept her head down but she could still hear the noisy chattering that she wanted to tell on so bad.

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