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In the forgotten difficulties of our barren lands
Tears will flow in front of our rough hands
Our special smiles will diminish into chaotic wrinkles
Our hearts will be eclipsed
And no one will know how to stand for our endangered affection.

Despair will surround our tender kisses
The doors will shut before our chained destiny
And as the hounds roam in the grim of our tangible darkness
I will choose to listen to the shape of your rib
Because it knows the warmth of my flesh
Where it came from
But was glad to be attached next to the throb of your soul.

Let's hold our hands
Close the pupils of our eyes
As we get lost in the difficulty
Knowing that the waterfalls will approve of our candle light
Having our names beside the heavy key to unlock who we are.

Penchant Kibet BastardMe

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