A new story

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I know i'm not the among the saints,
To deserve the holy claps,
To deserve that slice of a cake,
To deserve the cheers and the hearty recognition,
To deserve a portion of your candle light,
Or the warmth of your handshake
I know i'm the dumbest,
The bluntest,
The unwanted
But i still cry for your heart since tears are all that i have in plenty!

Silver and shiny pieces of gold the birds do not know,
Art, music and grandeur mysteries of the world they do not at all gaze or craze,
Apparels of fine linen or silk they seek not,
Nor the approval of their community for their achievements,
And they purchased the gift of a peaceful mind,
The restfulness of an assured meal,
A blessing of wonderful artwork divinely knitted on their feathers,
And they never forget to sing a new song before the sunrise!

I may not deserve humanly cheer,
I may not be worthy because i haven't won any battle,
But i choose to wear the coats of the ravens,
I choose to live for now,
To worry not about earthly gifts and recognition,
To sing a new tune for the heavens,
To be content with Christ's blood,
That maketh a precious raiment in my soul
And truly promises me of an everlasting life with the saints.

I choose to speak life,
To shun the standards that belittles my importance,
To wake up every dawn,
Knowing i am an expensive soul,
One that is unconditionally loved,
And held by the very holy hands that fashioned the universe,
And knitted the complexities of nature.

Regardless of humanly standards and schools of thought,
I am loved, forgiven, promised and blessed,
I choose to sing a new song to my Father,
What about you my dear?


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