Act Two: part three

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Be Some random person. You are now A boy sitting in a room. You are no troll. What is your name. Shmebulack. NO. You are Liam Valiant, you think your last name is name is weird, but you like it. Today is your friends birthday, you hope she gets your present. You sent it to her by mail, since you two don't live near each other. Neither do your two other friends. You four have never met irl, but by chat yes. In fact you are all best friends, and of very similar age.

You hope your friend accepts your present. You got your friend Lily two things, a stuffed bunny wearing a knight helmet, and an elegant whip, its her favorite type of weapon. You only hope she will get it on time.

You want to see if any of your friends are on pester-chum. Liam get on laptop. You sit on the roof of your house. Your happy your friends don't know where you live, and your family information. Your older brother had somehow become super rich. You don't question it, nor do you care for the money. You look down from the roof, its a long fall. You live in a, well, castle. You like to dress up in your set of armor, because yes, you do have one. You use an unusual weapon as well, a scythe. Wait, what where you doing. Oh yeah pester-chum. It seems only one person is online. DH pester.

DragonHunter (DH) began pestering SmithSayan (SS)

DH: hey

SS: What do you want

DH: just wanted to check up on you, I haven't seen you in a while

SS: It has only been a week

DH: yeah, you've left me alone at home for a week. please stop doing this.

SS: Now look, I am really sorry. I wish I could be with you, but I can not. I have to meet the customers sometimes, or help set up shop somewhere. Ok.

DH: yeah, because that's a good reason for leaving your younger brother alone for a long time, why not have someone help you set up one of your smith shops. i could help setup a metal shop, or a blacksmith shop, or any other one of your stupid metal companies, but you have to leave me alone.

SS: .....

SS: I am sorry, next time I will take you

DH: sure you will

SS: Tell your friend I said happy birthday, if you chat with her

DH: ok, please come back soon, goodbye

SS: Goodbye little brother

DragonHunter (DH) stopped pestering SmithSayan (SS)

Liam, slip into your home. You go into your room. Your friend Lily, the one who's birthday is today is lucky, or at least you think. She gets to spend a lot of time with her mother, you don't have parents, just your brother who spends little time with you because he is busy. He is constantly crafting random weapons and shoving them to you. You have a room full of weapons. The only you really like is your special scythe. It was designed by Lily, and crafted by your brother. You think it is the coolest thing in the world.

Liam look around your room. You do. There aren't many posters, a computer, your bed, a mirror, and a large window. You look outside. The view is breathtaking. You take off your wintercoat, the downside of living on a mountain. Your home is in Germany, your home country. You forget whether  or not you told your friends if you where German. Oh well. Liam stare into the mirror, your eyes are grey, and your hair is jet black, and your skin is slightly tan.

Liam look at your posters. Your posters reflect your favorite thing, medieval stuff, and one is a poster of your favorite anime, Fairy Tail, one poster is of your LARP group, yes you do partake in medieval LARPs, a Full Metal Alchemist poster, an awesome poster of a medieval war, and the last one isn't a poster. Its a picture of you and your brother when you where younger.

  Liam, think about LARP. Your LARP name is the Soul Reaper. You weapon is the scythe. You'd tell your friends you LARP, but they might think this is stupid. Liam be someone else.

You are Zellia. Your bff had helped you enter. After the frantic running around of get this from that, take this after putting something in the other thingy,to the thingamabob, and now you stare at an olive branch. You take off an olive.Boom. You are now in a distant land. However no time for this chat, Pnicol then builds a protective wall. You two know that pacifist probably wont make it far, but you will try.

You hope nothing goes wrong. You especially hope that Beeton stops being an annoying jerk, and helps you people, and learns that he can't rule the world. You think that anyone who wants that type of power shouldn't be given that power.  You decide to walk around your home, some figures are trying to get into your home.

Zellia be someone else. You are someone else now. Pnicol ascend. You fly upward, the fire from the forest is still coming at the same rate. You go back to your house. You think you hear an explosion in the distance, probably another player entering.

Nightwolf (NW) began trolling HiddenSpirit (HS)
HS: let me get back to my house
HS: ok i will goodbye arguss
NW: 0K, I WILL S33 Y0U S00N, G00DBY3 F0R N0W
NightWolf (NW) ceased trolling HiddenSpirit (HS)

Pnicol be NW, err Arguss, be Arguss. You can somewhat be Arguss, but not completely, he is very busy right now. You can easily be his Lusus though. You are now Arguss's Lusus. You and Arguss are being attacked by special imperial drones. These drones where made the Illead's. Speaking of Illeads, Arguss's ancestor, the Guardian is here. You two had killed five of the six. You are now the writer. You relize you had skipped a large part. Go back in time. You are Arguss some time ago. You are now connecting to Pnicol. Arguss Connect.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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