o n e

17 3 1

italics are first person
regular is narrator


breath in
breathe out
remember to breathe, dumbass

he lit his cigarette, the small flame of the lighter illuminated a small circle around him.

breathe in
breathe out

he lifted the cigarette, and pressed it into the back of his hand, showing no sign of pain. his feet dangled over the side of the wall, hanging so high off off the dark blue water that it looked like an oblivion.

breathe in
breathe out

as he gazed over the skyline, he noticed the hustle and bustle of the rush-hour traffic, taking into account that they all had families to go home to, all had places to be..

breathe in
breathe out..
its time

tick tock, the world is a clock, everyone watching, waiting for something to happen during every second, every moment. eventually we all run out of time, and for him? he liked to believe that it was far past his time, well spent, far overdue.

breathe in
breathe out

and then the heavens opened, and the rain poured down onto the city, and fell onto his cheeks. his once fluffy hair was soon matted to his head; his white shirt clinging to his body.

breathe in
breathe out

he leaned forward, extending his arms behind him on the bar, enough to help him push off into the vast sea below.

breathe in

"please get down, please dont do this, kid. get down.." she had the softest, calmest voice ive ever heard. "can you hear me? boy, get down from there. id hate to see someone as pretty as you leave" and with that, i turned around. i couldnt see her face, for the black of the night was overwhelming. why was she out here so late? "please...," her voice was small.

slowly, i pulled my legs over to the other side of the railing; she took a few steps closer, and reached her arm out towards me. such small hands..

"come here," she spoke softly, regardless of how loud the pouring rain was, she was loud enough for me.

i hopped off the ledge and grabbed her rain-soaked hand, my large one suffocating hers. she led me along the sidewalk of the bridge, keeping a tight grip on my hand as if j would run away; i wasnt.

we reached an old car on the side of the road, the original black paint covered in rust. "get in," she instructed. the door screeched as it opened, but al least i was out of the rain.

my wet clothes soaked the leather seats but no matter, that wasnt why we were here, right?

and then we sat in silence

breathe in
breathe out

"whats your name," she asked lightly

"doesnt matter"

"why were you up there. what were you gonna do.," her voice became shaky.

"you know damn well what i was gonna do."

she stared down at her lap, playing with her thumbs. shes nervous, but what for?

more silence
more breathing

she was staring at me, i could feel it. she wants me to speak up, but im at a loss of words, as always.

he knew words were like money, some more expensive than others. but that doesnt mean that the bigger the word, the more the cost. take love for example. 4 letters with a huge meaning. like money, you cant just make more to get the county out of debt. over use the money, the value decreases; much like words. he was cautious of this, for words were his money and talking was cheap.

"my names luke. im 19; i work at that little coffee house on the corner of grove and elm. and i dont exist, to anyone. my mom is sick and dying, my siblings are somewhere far away for they never gave a damn. i have nothing to live for."

the silence was the loudest noise

she spoke up, very soft at first, like she was talking to a small child.

"but you do. you have something to live for. all life is precious and everything this world has to offer and everything that is thrown on you in completely inevitable, but you have something to live for. yourself. and if you wont live for you, please, by all means, live for me. put your seatbelt on, im taking you somewhere."

she started the car. the low rumble of the engine was nothing compared to the loud pounding of the rain.

"im phoebe, 19, and i work at the restaurant next to the coffee shop of the corner of grove and elm."

and then she pushed on the gas pedal, bringing the small car to life, and we were off.

i had nothing to say but thank you, thank you for saving my life, and for that i am grateful.

"thank you for that, whatever that was back there. this world is a thriving hell but dammit, thank you."

"you weren't gonna jump anyway."

i gave a nod and looked at my shoes, she was right, i probably wouldn't have jumped even though i desperately wanted to.

thanks for reading, this probably sucked but oh well oh well. if you havent noticed, this is based off of a song called killing you by asking alexandria (if that give you any incite on this)

comment, vote, etc.

-kay x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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