Chapter 2:

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Peyton POV:
I woke up to Carl calling for me so I got up and put my weapons in their places and got out of my tent. As soon as I was out the tent Carls arms were wrapped securely around my waist I smiled "Morning to you to baby what's wrong you called me" I said "Oh Mum Shane wants to have a talk with everyone so I thought I would come and get you" he said smiling "Oh you did, did you" I said he nodded "Well come on then we don't want the officer waiting do we" I said he laughed and ran off towards Carol who smiled at me and I smiled back. I walked towards the group and stood behind Carl with my arms wrapped around him "Okay Glenn is going on another run I want Andrea, Merle, Jacqui, T-Dog and Morales to go with him" Shane said I hugged everyone but I hugged Glenn longer as I am quite close to him.

Rick POV:
I am sitting inside a tank awaiting for the hoard of walkers to leave when I hear a voice "Hey you, yes you dumbass in the tank you comfy" I grabbed the speaker "Hello can you see me" I ask "Yes and your poor horse is walker food" he said "Is there anyway I can get out" I said "Yeah In one minute make a run for the alley in front of you I'll be there how many bullets" he said "I have a clip and more ammo in my bag which I dropped on the floor" I said "well don't worry about them" he said and left. After a minute I left an ran down the alley when I bumped into a Korean guy "Hey I'm Glenn" he said and we ran into the shop, I was pushed up against a wall "You've killed us" a blonde girl had said "Andrea leave him alone" someone else said "I'm Rick I'm just looking for my family" I said. Once everyone introduced themselves we heard gun shots "Is that Dixon" Andrea said and we all ran up "Dixon your attracting the Walkers" Andrea sneered "Give me the gun Merle" T-Dog said Merle just laughed and replied with "That'll be the day" "What" T-Dog said "T just leave it" Glenn replied "No if he got somink to say say it" he said "That'll be the day I take orders from a Nigga" he said. T lunged at him and hit him and Merle punched him hard "I vote a new leadership and I vote me who else" he said and lifted his hands up that's when I punched him and attached him to a pipe with my handcuffs "Now listen here Merle there anit no Niggas here there is two types of people us and the dead" I said and we looked over the edge "Well thanks to Merle Walkers from a mile radius are coming towards us" Andrea said "Yo T try and get to base" Glenn said to T-Dog. After a few minutes Glenn asked "How's the signal" and T replied with "Weak like Dixons brain" and people laughed "Sheriff you got a way if getting us out" I took a minute to think and nodded "Yeah we need to get to those trucks over there" I said and we all walked down the stairs except Merle as he was tied up and Morales stayed with him. After I explained my plan me, Andrea and Jacqui where in the jewellery section "If I get you out if this will you forgive me" I asked her "Its a start" she smiled then pulled a necklace out "Amy would love this" she said "Take it then" I said "There is a cop right in front if me" she said laughing "I don't think it counts anymore" I said smiling she took it "Hey Rick I hope you find your family" she said and Jacqui agreed "Thank you and me to" I said and then Glenn comes back "Okay there's is no way out through the tunnel" he said "The only reason they don't eat each other is because they smell dead" Jacqui said I smiled "Well maybe we can" I said. Me and Glenn were wearing lab coats and the others were smearing the walkers guts all over us. We were walking towards the truck acting like zombies any other time I would laugh, we were nearly there when it started to pour down with rain so we ran towards it. Once we got there Glenn got in a sports car and attracted then with the noise and I drove towards the shop. When everyone was inside safely T said "I dropped the damn key down the drain" he said "Oh god Daryl how's he gonna handle it" Jacqui said "He should be alright and any way we have the one thing that will calm him down" Andrea said and we were off.

Peyton POV:
"Hey Peyton" I turned around to see Daryl "Yeah" I said "I'm going hunting" he said "Okay be careful" I said hugging him an he left. I walked down towards Carl and Shane "Hey Carl" I said "Hey mum can I go and catch frogs with Shane" he asked and I nodded "Okay but I'm cutting your hair when you get back" I said he nodded and they left I walked towards Amy "Hey Peyton" she said nervously "Hey what's wrong" I said "Andrea should be back by now" she said "Hey now you know your sister is strong and she will be back" I said she smiled "Thank you Peyton" she said I hugged her "Your welcome" I said. I had Carl siting down on a stall from the RV and I was cutting his hair "We caught many frogs Mum" he said "Did you" I said "Yeah we did" he said laughing I giggled "Well I'm glad you had fun baby" I said smiling. Once I was done I kissed his head and heard a car alarm I pushed Carl as close to me as possible an had a hand on my Katana just in case. Then a car sped up and parked and Glenn walked out "Thank god your alright" I said and hugged him and a van pulled up and Andrea ran out and embraced Amy and everyone went to their families "Hey helicopter man come say hello" Glenn said from near me. Then out walked my husband "DAD OH MY GOD DAD" Carl shouted and ran towards him I sobbed and Rick looked at me Carl moved away smiling "Peyton Baby" he said, that was it I ran at him full speed and jumped into his arms I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

Ricks POV:
Once I stepped out the van I came face to face with my family and Shane "DAD OH MY GOD DAD" Carl shouted and ran towards me I hugged him for a while an then I looked up to my beautiful wife who I missed more then life itself "Peyton Baby" I said and then she ran at me full sped and jumped in my arms crying I held her up by her wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her "oh my god baby I love you so much I can't believe I found you" I sobbed "Rick I love you so much" she said then she smashed her lips to mine boy have I missed those lips I kissed her back to. I pulled back and put her down but wrapped my arms around her waist and she pulled Carl into the hug.

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