Chapter 01: A New Start, a New Story

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The sound of crisp leaves being stepped on, the smell of fresh cut grass, and the sight of students everywhere. It was the sign of yet another fresh new year in the school.

Dodging from a few boys who were skateboarding, Tiffany walked up the stairs that led to the campus' hallway and went towards the direction of the main auditorium where all students were to be gathered at.

The look on the people's faces around her amused Tiffany. Some of them held an excited expression, some had a sullen look, some had a tired look probably from all the partying the night before school, and of course, there were the freshmen that were looking like little mice in a new environment.

Other than the new faces around, everything was still the same. There were still the same groups of students around the hallway. She could recognise them just by looking at their appearances. There were the jocks, the nerds, the popular ones, the emo kids, and more that just does not belong to any category. As for Tiffany, she was simply herself. She didn't want to be categorised.

Reaching the auditorium, she saw her friends standing outside, so she quickly headed over. "Hey, guys."

Her friends turned to her and they exchanged hugs. "How's your vacation been?" Yuri asked her as the group entered the auditorium.

There were already quite a number of students inside and more than half of the seats were already filled up. They went straight ahead and sat on the available seats at the front.

"Yeah, Fany, how is it back at LA?" Sunny who was at her right asked, vigorously tapping on her phone's screen.

Tiffany shook her head and went to push the lock button on her friend's phone, causing the girl to protest and stare at her with an unkind look. "I'm sure you can pause your game and spare us a few minutes since I haven't seen you guys for a month."

"With you locking my phone just like that, my game is probably over. I was actually winning, mind you." Sunny rolled her eyes playfully but she still did keep her phone inside her pocket. "So? How was it back home?"

"Well," Tiffany leant back. "It was great, I guess. I got to see my family and I had a lot of fun going around the city. And of course, the beach. God, I missed the sun there." Tiffany gushed and let out a dramatic breath.

"Yeah, you got a little tanner. It looks good on you." Yuri commented.

"Thank you," Tiffany smiled and blew a kiss to her friend.

"Did you manage to get any hot guy's number?" Sunny winked and laughed.

Tiffany giggled, her face turning a few shades red. "There is one guy."

"Ohh, do you hear that, Yuri? Seems like our friend had a little romance back home." Sunny teased and nudged Tiffany. "Do tell."

Tiffany cleared her throat, "His name is Jake. He's a year older than us. I met him when Michelle Unnie and I went to a beach and he just kind of walked over to us and said that..."

Yuri and Sunny who were listening attentively became excited when Tiffany suddenly stopped talking. "What did he say?" Yuri questioned enthusiastically.

"He... He told me that he couldn't help but to stare at me when he saw me, and just had to come over to talk to me. And, well, from there we started talking, exchanged numbers and texted one another almost every day."

Tiffany looked at her friends shyly and both were grinning at her so widely that she thought it was very creepy. "Stop it, you guys."

"Stop what?" Yuri asked.

"So, are you two like dating now?" Sunny probed and saw the crease between Tiffany's eyebrows from her question. "I... guess it's a no?"

"Uhm, we're not official or anything. We went on a few dates though."

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