chapte eight

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Chapter eight

Rose’s POV

Monday morning jess ran over to me. “So did you?” she asked me. I saw Scott walking down the hall a bright smile on his face I pointed to him and she squealed. *You lost your virginity.* she smiled brightly. I nodded, *that’s what you do on a honeymoon. Especially when your husband only brings towels and food with him. its hard not to when he’s standing there naked in front of you right after your mating ceremony.* I told her rolling my eyes I was still sore. Bur it was worth it. She squealed again. Derek and Jace smiled at us. “So how’d it go?” Jace asked me elbowing me gently in the ribs. “Good.” I smirked at their faces. “Hey guys.” Sam said walking over to us a boy by his side. “This is my new brother Shane he’s a bit shy my parents adopted him over the weekend. He’s got the same schedule as you rose. Mine got switched around because of my grades. So I better get to class.” he told us. I looked at the kid. And circled him. “We are the outcasts.” I told him as mike came over and kissed jess. “I’m rose. The two that are kissing are jess and mike. The other two boys are Derek and Jace. They’re together. are you gay bi or straight?” I asked him. “Gay.” He told me looking at the ground. “Cool. So we have the same classes. Follow me.” I said wrapping an arm around him. “Just let me know if anyone bugs you kid I’ll beat the shit out of them.” I said making him laugh. “Thanks. So what do you like to do for fun?” he asked me. I saw Scott and pointed to him his back was turned. “See that teacher over there? The one surrounded by girls?” I asked him. he nodded. “Me and him are childhood best friends. my favorite thing to do is annoy the hell out of him. and if I do say so myself I do a wonderful job.” I laughed at his face. “your weird but I guess that’s a good thing. Okay our first class is maybe three doors down. and ignore the cheerleaders as we pass and they won’t bug you hopefully.” I told the little Emo. He had black jeans a grey shirt vans black hair brown eyes and a black and grey hoodie. And they would eat him alive. 

When we reached Scott’s class his smiled faded as I walked in with Shane smiling and talking with the kid. “okay you can take Sam’s old place. He sat next to me.” I told Shane as I sat down. *whose he?* Scott asked me. *Shane he’s Sam’s new adopted brother we have the same schedule so I’ve been showing him around. don’t worry he’s gay.* “That’s the teacher? He’s so young and hot.” Shane whispered to me making me fake cough to hold in laughter. I nodded. “I know. He’s also full of himself and married. To a girl.” I told Shane. He laughed and smiled. “Good to know. But he’s too old for me. I’m going for a guy somewhere between us and him.” he smiled at me. I nodded. “Smart.” “Ms. Blake please refrain from talking in class.” Scott said from beside me making me jump out of my seat and fall to the floor. “Jerk.” I mumbled as he helped me up. “sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” he sighed. *I’m so sorry babe I really didn’t mean to scare you.* he told me. I smiled. “It’s okay it was an accident.” *Make me forgive you.* I told him smirking as he bit his lip. “Detention for talking.” He told me. “Two days.” I nodded and sat back in my seat. Rubbing my leg that hit the desk. “you okay?” Shane asked me. I nodded and laid my head down on the table waiting for the class to end.

“five minutes.” Scott told me as I asked if I could go get my books. I nodded and grabbed Shane’s hand. “Hold on. I’m going to run.” I told him as I opened the door to the jumble of kids. I took off and dodged kids books and the cheer bitches. I believe the werewolves are the only popular not mean kids. I reached my locker and let Shane’s hand go. “Thanks I don’t think I would have made it if you didn’t take my hand.” he said gasping for air. “No problem.” I told him heading back.

I walked in the class room saw the lights off and Scott was gone. The door closed behind me making me do a round house kick. Scott grabbed my foot. “Sorry.” I said as he let go of my foot. “why do you feel so protective of Shane?” he asked me. “I don’t know. Maybe because he’s so fragile. And tiny.” I told Scott. He took my hand. “You are too. But if you can knock an alpha werewolf out I think you’ll be fine.” Scott said pulling me into a hug. “Yhea but there’s a difference. He’s human and scared. Just like I was my first day of high school. And he only has his brother who had to ditch him so he could go to class.” I told Scott as he held me. “Alright let’s head home and I’ll give you your detention.” He said kissing me. I smacked his arm. “Someone could walk in.” I said walking out to my bike. “Alright.” He whined walking to his car. I smiled and headed home.

I heard the doorbell ring and we both looked at the door of the bedroom. “I’ll get it.” I told him grabbing a shirt. it was a button up I sighed and buttoned it up just enough it just covered my chest. As I pulled on panties and short shorts. I looked in the key hole and saw someone I didn’t know about the same age as Scott. But he was HOT. I ran back in the bed room as he rang the doorbell again. “who is it?” he asked me. “I don’t know some dude I don’t know. your age brown hair tan really muscular and roughly your height the peephole isn’t the best for height.” I told him as he pulled sweats on and headed for the door. he looked out the peephole. “He’s a werewolf one of my old college buddies.” He saw my shirt, pulled his off, and switched the two. I gave him a look. “Hey man.” Scott said and looked at me. “Sorry I couldn’t make the wedding but I got a job at your school. As the new math teacher. Algebra II.” He told him “What room?” I asked “Three oh four. You in that class?” he asked me. I nodded as I smiled. “You are my second favorite teacher now you got rid of Mrs. Bell. Everyone hates her.” I told him. “Erik this is rose my mate.” Scott said as he pulled me onto his lap. *why don’t you go get some pants on?* he asked me in my head. I nodded and ran off.

“So I was wondering if I could become part of your pack.” Erik asked as I sat back down next to Scott. “Of course. I’ve known you for years. Rose?” he asked me as I was about to fall asleep. I jumped up. “Hu?” I asked him looking around. “Is it alright if Erik joins the pack?” he asked me. I looked Erik up and down. And nodded as I snuggled into Scott. “I’ll be on my way. And you can continue what you were doing before I disrupted.” He said and left. I nodded as the bell rang again. I looked out and saw the pizza guy. I smiled and Scott handed me a twenty. “Keep the change.” I told the dude. Taking the pizza. I smiled and headed over to the couch. And looked at the bedroom and remembered that was the first time we didn’t use protection. I looked at Scott as he surfed the channels and looked at my stomach I guess we’ll find out in a few weeks. I thought as he landed on pair of kings on Disney XD.

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