chapter twenty two

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Chapter twenty two

Rose’s Pov

First day back to school January 5.      

“Scott’s birthday’s in two days.” Shane reminded me. I elbowed him. “I know. I just don’t know what to get him and he doesn’t want a party.” I told him he laughed and shook his head. “What?” I asked him. he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear. “Erik told me why. He doesn’t want to feel pedoish.” I giggled and followed him into Erik’s class. “What about yours how’s he feel about it?” I asked him. “Not sure. We haven’t done anything. I think if we did he would feel a little pedoish.” I pulled out my cell and he did the same.

me- you a virgin Shane?

emo_boy- yes

I saw him blushing.

me-ahh he’ll be happy to know that!


I looked around and saw Erik smirk a little. I glared and shook my head.

emo_boy- TTFN

me- hu?

emo_boy- ta ta for now

me- where’d u get that 1 from?

emo_boy- Tigger?

me- ohhhhhh Erik tell u 2 stop texting?

emo_boy- yep Scott ask u 2?

me- yhea :( oh well ttyl


At lunch Sara smiled at me. “We found out what the baby is.” She told me. “I thought you were going to wait?” jess said surprised. “James couldn’t wait any longer. It’s a girl!” she gushed and we hugged her. “Well I’m happy for you.” Shane said giving her a hug. I saw the same shadow as when we got the threat. I shuddered and dragged everyone into the cafeteria.  Slightly freaked Stefan and Alex found me and smiled sitting on either side of me I sighed and refused to eat. “Tell Scott I’m not eating and I’ll skin you.” I warned them. the boys nodded as jess and Sara laughed at them.

Scott had a teachers meeting so Stefan and Alex took me home. While I was working on my math homework someone walked up behind me and tapped my shoulder I screamed and beat them with my math book. I’d seen someone following me around school all day. When I saw it was my brother I stopped for a second and beat him again. “IDIOT YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!” I screamed at him still beating him. I heard someone laugh I spun around my math book slipped from my grasp and went for Scott’s head. He ducked and it hit Erik in the groin. I covered my mouth as I giggled. My brother got up and stumbled out glaring at me. Shane laughed at his mate’s pain handing him some ice. “YOU IDIOTS KNOW BETTER THAN TO SNEAK UP ON ME WHEN I’M FREAKING OUT! I HAVE A FUCKING STALKER! I’M PREGNANT BECAUSE OF HIM!” I shouted pointing at Scott. “AND NOT TO MENTION MY STALKER IS FREAKING ME OUT MORE AND MORE EACH FUCKING DAY! AND I HAVE A HUGE MATH TEST IN ONE WEEK!” they were all frozen watching me freak out. Scott walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me as I started crying. “Hey relax it’s okay. Your safe. The babies are safe.” He whispered in my ear running his hand through my hair calming me down. he pulled back and wiped a tear from my face. Erik leaned against the door an ice pack down his pants. “Hey my sister needs a babysitter and right now I’m in no condition to watch a kid. The kid is two and a half.” He told me as Shane helped him out. I looked at Scott hopeful. Sighing he nodded and kissed me lightly following after him. I followed him smiling. I wonder how he’s like with kids. I should have thought about that a long time ago. oh well to late now. Scott turned around and smiled at me. "Try not to stress so much. it's not good for the babies." I rolled my eyes and nodded. he kissed me lightly on the lips and went downstairs to make me and him supper.

i know not much but i was hopeing to post before i leave for camp. i'll try to post agin tonight. what do you think about Rose's freak out!

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