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You know that feeling you get, sometimes, when your in a deep sleep but you suddenly feels like you are falling into a dark abyss?  Well, that was exactly how I was feeling, except I was awake with a towel around my body and wet hair still dripping after my bathe.

What those two brothers, whatever there names were, told me shocked me. I could not be dead, could I? I remember escaping that retched orphanage, I remember the fire, I remember poor little Anne, I remember all of this but I don't remember dying in the slightest. I never felt my heart stop or my breathing coming to a stop. I could not be dead, I didn't die.

A small laugh escapes instead of tears. These two were crazy, absolutely out of their minds.

Their faces become one of confusion and shock. "That almost got me, good try strangers." I speak loudly, but with an edge in my voice. Part of me believes I'm dead, it explains why I have survived for five years with minimal food. I start walking nonetheless.

They snap out of their trance and begin scuffling towards me. "We're telling you the truth!" The mature one says. "You're a crick, we could tell a mile away. There's an emptiness inside you that could not belong to any living human. It's like 20 degrees out but you don't feel the cold, none of us do. We're human but not living." I stare at him bewildered.

The pervert brother speaks up, "You don't get hungry much do you, but you still eat?" I slightly nod. "Well that's how it is when your stuck in the in between, you don't need to digest food you can survive without." His eyes light up a little. "Not that you need to survive since we're already dead."

The other brother slightly punches his brother in the stomach. "We have to help her understand, not keep telling her she's dead."

"Well, that's what I am aren't I? Dead." They turn to look at me. "I'm not some girl who's gonna cry because someone just told her she ain't living. I haven't been living the minute I was born, so don't worry about holding back." I breathe in and continue walking.

"That's not the reaction we get once we tell other cricks they're dead." One of them says.

I turn around making them bump into me. I stick out one arm and ask, "Wait before you guys continue talking, what are your names? Clearly it looks like you guys are going to follow me so I need the names again."

"My name is Darren," says the one with an accent. I named him the mature one in the beginning. "This is Jake." He points to his brother, who has his hands in his pocket. "We're step brothers," Darren says.

My conclusion of them being brothers was right. I continue walking once I have gotten the information I wanted. "Where are you going?" Darren asks.

"I found this abandoned liquor store close by. It's where I stay my nights of solitude and pleasant crick time." I smile at them.

Of course they stare at me blankly. "Okay number one thing you should know about me is sarcasm is like my second language so get used to it if you're going to follow me around." I turn and run back to my location.

I'm changed into my other dress, remembering I left my other by the lake, before they even reach the liquor store's door. "You guys are super slow," I tell them.

"We walked a little to give you time to put some clothes on," Darren states.

"I would've gladly come faster but this dip shit didn't let me," Jake says while ending his statement with a wink towards my direction.

I scoff and spread my arms out. "Well this is it." I don't know why but I feel a little excited having company. Five years alone, now knowing I was dead, was boring to the core.

"This place is a dump." Jake says with a look of disgust. I already know he's my least favorite brother.

I look at Darren but he also has a look of disgust but tries to conceal it. The boys look around for a little longer before Jake talks some more. "Okay we barely know each other but if we're going to help you, we're going to start by cleaning up."

I give Darren a look while he looks at me but then back at his pervert of a brother. He shrugs before turning to my old ragged blanket. He picks it up.

"Okay I'm in but I'm making you a better blanket."


Short update :(

Hey guys, Sorry for taking forever to update this story and Pickup Call. Problems have been coming and going in my life until now I feel I can let everything out by writing :)

I am going to try and complete PickUp Call to focus on this story. Anyway hope you enjoyed. This chapter turned a little different.

I was supposed to focus on horror for this book but I"m going to make it more of an action story but there will be some horror in the middle. Okay bye >.<

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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