Umm... not sure if you have an Oc... don't know much about you but i am doing it and I'll tell you why in a bit! xD
Rating: 9/10
Ship name: I dunno....
You wrote in caps for Viowser he was yours.... You asked if i shipped you. I give you a 9/10 Because i see you care deeply about this. I may not know much about you but sometimes actions and your body language sets off something about a person. It's the way you think this person might never be your friend but later on you relize they aren't as bad as you thought you thought they where. Never judge a book by its cover is what they say but sometimes people do and without even noticing it. Anyways i feel like i am going to deep into this heh sorry... So yeah i see you care so i guess i ship you! I'd like to know more about ya, we should talk. :)
Requested and dedicated to: @geronimolover5678