1|| Relaxation

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Alex's POV
I laughed as Jack stuck his foot out, causing Luke to trip over it and land right on his face. It has been about three or four months since the tour ended, and I'm enjoying it so much. No more waking up early, going to bed at midnight, and no more countless interviews and photo shoots.
Just relaxation and spending time with family and friends is all I have to deal with right now. Luke looked up at Jack with the coldest look he could muster before he stood up and dusted the grass off his clothes. "You're a dick" Luke said glaring at Jack. "Watch your mouth Lucas" Liz said as she placed a pitcher full of pink lemonade on the table on the patio. "And Jack, please stop picking on your brother" Liz said cooly as she walked back into the house, closing the door behind her. Luke smirked and stuck his tongue out at Jack, who just rolled his eyes. I walked over to Luke and said" You two are so immature sometimes" before placing a kiss on his soft lips.
Luke deepened it by grabbing me by the waist, pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tilted my head so we could kiss better. Jack smirked and said" I'll leave you two lovebirds alone". With that, he disappeared inside the house.
I felt Luke laugh through the kiss, making me smile. We pulled away after five minutes and walked back into the house hand in hand.

Luke's POV
I smiled as Alex snuggled deeper into my side, laying her head on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "Luke, I'm so glad I moved in with you" Alex said sighing happily.
"Me too" I agreed. Then, I gently grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together. My parents and brothers loved Alex, so they were ok with her actually living with us. "It'll be my first Christmas with the Hemmings family, I wonder what it's like" Alex said.
"My parents make my brothers and I sing lame Christmas carols" I mumbled under my breath. "Don't be like that Luke, just do it for me. Please?" Alex pleaded. "Fine, but only for you" I said sighing. "I want to see you in a Santa hat, I bet you'd make that look hot" Alex said. "Girl, I make everything look hot" I said sassily.
"You've been spending way too much time with Calum and Michael" Alex said letting out a light chuckle. "But it is true. You do make everything look hot" Alex agreed.
"You have to promise me you'll wear a short dress" I said. "Are you saying this just so you can see my legs?" Alex asked laughing. "Yes" I replied smirking.
"You are such a pervert, but I love you anyway" Alex said sitting up and planting a kiss on my cheek. I blushed after she pulled away. After that, we sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying our time alone.

Calum's POV
I felt a bead of sweat trail down my face as I stood outside on my porch, looking at my surroundings. It was so hot in Sydney that I felt like shutting myself in my freezer to cool me off. Michael had gone back to his parent's house, so he wasn't here with me. It kinda sucks not having my boyfriend here with me, but at least my family's at home. I quickly wiped the sweat away with the white towel that was draped around my shoulders. It's nice to be home though, I thought as a small smile appeared on my face. Being on tour is an amazing experience, but being away from family and friends is a different story. You would think that you wouldn't miss them, but try being on a tour bus with three guys who constantly try to annoy you (Michael, Ashton, and Luke are my still the best friends I've ever had though) and smell like sweat for a whole six months. Then, you miss your parents washing your clothes, cooking food for you, and all the great things they do for you. After eating microwaveable food for a few months, you start to crave homemade food. I missed seeing my older sister, Mali Koa. She is also a very successful singer like me, except not in a band. Her singing voice is amazing, trust me. Mali is just one of the many people I can tell everything and anything I need to get off my chest. She was also the first person to know I was gay. The bright sun's rays were radiating a very harsh heat, but nonetheless, it was still a very beautiful day. The few trees and flowers that were surrounding my house were standing tall, even with the intense heat. I took one more glance at the amazing view before stepping back into my house.

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