Sher's story

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I don't write stories well so I'm sorry if this absolutely sucks major ballsack.

Also, that's me up there :-)


Alright, I went on Twitter one night, as I do every other night, and I saw that @/texting_5sos was doing another series that I probably was not mentally ready for. But I read it anyways.

After the series had ended some fan accounts for under appreciated story characters popped up. I was sitting there laughing about Hannah's reaction until I said to myself, "I wanna make one!"

One problem.

There was no names left to use.

So here I am scouring through year old series to look for a character until my eyes set on a particular Calum series about his bitch getting kidnapped by some French asshole.

It was perfect.

I'm nearly fluent in French (being Canadian in a French speaking school and all that jazz) I thought this would be perfect. I created my account and tweeted Hannah "@/Texting_5sos bonjour :-)" and her reaction, along with all her followers reactions. We're fucking hilarious. I tweeted people in fluent French, knowing they could easily translate the tweet within the app (@/Bing love u boo) and people were absolutely loving it.

After a while I found other members of the "low key character squad" and put all of us in a group chat. We talked like we've known each other for ten years. Eventually we all got tired of dm'ing and got each others Kiks and made a group chat. This was the worst decision I've ever made. I'm kidding I love these girls. But it's included a lot of feet and me saying "PUT YOUR FUCKING FOOT AWAY TASS/JASEY LEAVE." And "ARI SHUT UP NOBODY CARES." As you can see, I'm an extremely blunt person. A loving bitch, for lack of a better term.

One fine day, while we were talking about my foot phobia, probably, or maybe it was them shipping Muke un-platonically (no thx) I chirped in and said "I hate this band" and then Ari said "we need to make a band for you to hate it Sher" and I replied with "okay let's make a band, I sing" and that's how it all started.

If we compared ourselves to 5SOS, Ari would be the Calum of the band and no not because she's Asian, it's because she reminds me of him. Jasey (or Tass as you guys know her) would be Luke (bc annoying af xx) . I would be Michael for obvious reasons, I swear unnecessarily, I'm too sexual for my own good, I recently bleached my hair, dyed it twice and bleached it and dyed it again within 76 hours, probably. Sophia would be Ashton, because oldest and most mature. Liv would share the Michael role with me but she's the more mature side of Michael.

Now we're in a very non serious band and I'll never be able to forget the fact that I was a pedophilic (not a word but idc) fucking French man who stole all of Calum's bitches. They won't ever let me forget (send help). I love these girls and hope that we stay friends a long while. I like having people to yell at ;)

I'm gonna leave now I've spoken too much (it stopped counting my words.)

x Sher

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