The Story- Chapter 1

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(Y/N) was always thought to be the most moody in the orphanage. She was given up at birth since her mother was a prostitute and she didn't know her father. Since her father was unknown she made up her name of (F/N) (L/N) and pretended it was given to her at birth. She didn't get along with all the children she was around and didn't exactly know how to talk to adults as well. She cringed when adults who came in to adopt called her cute and called her things like 'darling' and 'sweetheart'.

 Although she pretended she wanted nothing to do with her mother and she couldn't care less about a woman who was nothing more then a filthy whore, the reality was different. Behind all the closed doors she wanted to know exactly who her mother was. She wanted to know where her (H/L), (H/C) hair had come from. She wanted to know why her eyes were such a bright shade of (E/C) and most of all, she wanted to know why she couldn't take people's affection.

When it all got to be too much, all the wondering and the daydreaming, she packed her tatty, old bags and waited till midnight. That was the time when all the staff and children would be asleep. She made sure that she had her slippers on making her even more silent and slipped out of her room. The blue tint on the walls and hard floor made the orphanage seem some what comfortable for once in her life. She was used to seeing it with all those idiotic children running through the halls and tripping over their dolls and spinning tops while the staff put absolutely zero effort in to stop then prancing around like the mindless fools they all were. Her hand slid across the wall and she smiled thinking about how the beautiful blanket of the moonlight could cover up how loud, obnoxious and inhospitable the whole building was. She remembered to save that reference for if she was ever giving someone a really bad scolding in the night.

As she neared the exit of the hell hole, she turned back one last time. She smiled to herself at the thought that the Scotland Yard might get involved if they discovered her missing. Then she realized the possibility of that happening was extremely small which made her glad. She gave the place she was raised one last glare before silently turning round and mincing out of the door.

It'd been hours since she had left and she was already regretting her choice yet was proud at the same time. She felt cold and alone yet happy and free. (Y/N) thought for a while causing one thing to pop into her mind. Why did her mother give her up? Surely a mother would do anything for their child...even if that means giving up their profession- or 'pleasure'- for money to take care of their child. Why didn't she turn from prostitution to care for her daughter? Then again, she could ask why she didn't get an abortion like most prostitutes did. That was when she realized that she was loved by her mother, even if she wasn't willing to give up her sex life. This also made her smile and carry on. After a while of thinking, she decided to go and search for her mother...even if she didn't know her face.

Another few more hours later, she began to get tired from the lack of sleep. With tiredness comes agitation, agitation means someone is going to get punched. Especially with all the dirty looks all the rich, noble bastards strutting down the street not helping. She seriously despised the rich, a thing about her that she didn't realize she would have to change in a short while. She wandered around for a few more minutes and find somewhere quiet to lie. When she found a tall, black building, she sat down on the step. Before settling down, (Y/N) decided to try the door y gently grabbing the handle, pulling it down slowly and carefully opening up the door. When it didn't open, she decided that whatever business was being held there had been closed for the night. Finally learning not to care about what the snobs thought of her, (Y/N) leaned her head against the side of the door frame and drift off. Just before she had completely fell asleep, two voices hit her ears.

"Oh dear...are you quite alright there?"

"Ah! She looks cold! Shall I carry her back?"

"Please. She looks light enough."

She felt two hands wrap around her small body and suddenly began to feel warmer.

"She really is freezing..."

Unfortunately, she was unable to stop her heavy eyelids closing and sending her to sleep.

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