A New Start- Chapter 2

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(WARNING: cussing and insults. You have been warned.)

When she opened her eyes, (Y/N) felt something soft and warm surrounding her. She looked at her surroundings only to see a room she didn't remember at all. Her attention was turned to the bed and she felt around for anything that might resemble a dream. The room seemed perfectly real. Just as she was about to pinch herself, the handle of the door turned. She hid under the blanket and waited for a member of staff to tell her to get up...although she didn't exactly recognize this voice. "Oh dear, are you still asleep or just confused?" The male's voice chuckled and lifted off the blanket revealing both herself and him. Her eyes not only held confusion but slight wonder at how his eyes were such a striking shade of red, they were like crystals that were framed perfectly by his well-groomed hair. By his perfect looks, she assumed he was a rich or upper-class man and scowled at him, "shut up you noble bastard! Why don't you just go buy your 'friends' unimportant shit!? They obviously only hang around you for your money!!" She scoffed, folding her arms and turning her head away, she heard another laugh. "Upper-class? Me? No no no, I'm simply one hell of a butler." She couldn't help but feel for him, being the servant to a rich and snobby couple? At least that's what she thought.

"My name is Sebastian. I found you on the street...wheres your mother?" The man asked making (Y/N) frown even more. "I don't have one...and I'm (Y/N)." She said still refusing to look at the person who had saved her when in need. She felt bad imposing on this man, he seemed kind and fairly happy for a butler. Her only problem was the cold stare in his eyes. Was he hiding something? Surely someone as kind as him isn't hiding anything...if he is it mustn't be that bad, even if it is to a butler. His pale skin seemed to look almost unhealthy which also caused her to worry, she stood up and realized she wasn't dressed making her blush lightly, "d-don't look at me you pervert!" She shouted at Sebastian who seemed casual about the whole thing. She got angry and went to get her clothes and set off out. "You cannot go anywhere in your condition." Condition? What Condition? "Also, the young master wishes to speak with you." Sebastian smiled after saying this. 'Great, another noble idiot.' She thought and sighed and then looked down seeing what Sebastian meant by 'condition' her naturally (S/C) completion had become paler then usual, usually the sign of sickness.The memories of those comments made her scowl at the dress, she decided to put her plane white dress back on and step outside her room omly to be greeted by an even taller figure, "namas te ji, miss!" He was smiling brightly and seemed thew complete opposite of Sebastian on looks, his skin was like caramel and looked soft as his hair was almost as white as her dress, his eyes were closed in the smile while (Y/N)'s face was still in a frown, "what is it!?" She snapped causing his eyes to shoot open in shock. She didn't at all seem bothered by this, "um... I am Agni and this is my prince, Somar Asman Kadar." He pointed behind him revealing a boy about her age who had wide eyes and a pink tint to his face, his skin being the same colour as Agni's and his hair being a strange purple colour. "And I'm supposed to care, why?" She asked lo9oking up at the presumably Indian man, he smiled again, "me and my good friend Sebastian found you alone on the street and thought it best to take you in. You did look very cold after all!" He said. Agni seemed lighthearted with his first impression although he might seem aggressive at first glance.

(Y/N) had been introduced to just about everyone in the manor and they all seemed so happy, she thought maybe the 'young master' wouldn't be that bad. She got a huge shock when she eventually met him, "my butler said he and Agni found you on the street, what type of idiot were you to sleep on the street all alone like that?" He basically had been questioning her since she sat down at the table. This young boy, who seemed to think he owned the world had just proved her point about all rich people in the world loving themselves and seeing no wrong with their lives, 13 or not, he made her skin crawl.

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