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SaMiyah and Lovell jumped up at the same time when they heard the doorbell ringing.

"What time is it?" They both ask each other.

"I asked you first." They said again at the same time.

They busted out laughing and checked their cellphones. The time read 5:05.

"Shit!!!!!" They both said at the same time yet again.

"Will you stop copying me and go get the door?" SaMiyah told Lovell.

"Nigga I don't know what your mind capable of doing. Your ass saying the same thing as me." Lovell said walking down the stairs to the front door.

He heard Danny and Keisha arguing.

"Ain't nobody want your stuck up ass." Danny said.

"Yeah yeah you wasn't saying that Shit the other night though any.?" Keisha said back to him as Lovell opened the door.

"Say what????? Big Danny! What's up girl?" Lovell greeted them.

"Nigga why your ass not dressed?" Danny said walking in the house going straight to the kitchen.

"Miyah and I over slept. Let me go jump in the shower real quick." Lovell said taking the stairs two at a time.

"How you just gone walk into somebody house and go straight to their kitchen? No damn manners ass." Keisha rolled her eyes at Danny. Following him into the kitchen and grabbing a soda. Pepsi as always. That's all SaMiyah drink.

"How you going to talk shit about me doing something and your ass doing the same thing?" Danny grabbed a chicken out the pan SaMiyah and Lovell had the meat in.

"Nigga is your hands cleaning? Putting your nasty ass hand in people shit." Keisha moved back into the living room and sat on the couch and turn on the tv. A porno started playing.

"What the hell these nasty asses be looking at?." Keisha quickly turn the channel. Turn around and see Danny laughing at her.


Lovell and SaMiyah stepped out the shower and dried each other off. Quickly, they was late to their own cookout. What kind of shit is that?

"Damn baby how we late to our cookout?" SaMiyah asked Lovell brushing her teeth.

"Hell I don't even know." He said putting toothpaste on his toothbrush.

Thirty minutes later they made an entrance but stop dead in ther tracks when they saw Keisha and Danny kissing.

"What the fuck they think they doing?" SaMiyah whispered to a laughing Lovell. She hit him in the chest, he stopped instantly, to only start back.

"Ayyyyye what the hell you nigga doing?" Lovell yelled out at them.

They break apart from each other , well more like Keisha pushed Danny off her.

"Huh? Oh nothing." Keisha rolled her clothes down and stand up.

"Uh huh. Sorry y'all we late. We overslept." SaMiyah walked into the kitchen. "We could take everything to the patio if you guys want too." She looked at them over her shoulder.

Lovell went in the kitchen to help her move everything outside.

"Lordy. Danny and Keisha, who would have ever thought that." Lovell laughed.

SaMiyah didn't say anything, because she don't know if that will be such a good idea. Danny was all wrong for her friend.

"Yeah Danny and Keisha. He bet not hurt my friend. If he do , I'm going in on his black ass." SaMiyah walked back inside.

Lovell followed her. "I doubt that he will. He likes her. He not the type to be with someone just to get a quick fuck and call it a day. We don't rock that way."

"Okay Vell if you say so."


Everything was going super good until it started to rain. They was out on the patio playing cards. Lovell and SaMiyah was winning.

"Shit." They all said at the same time and laughed.

"Well we can all go inside and finished the game." SaMiyah said.

"Duhhh Miyah." Lovell said kissing her wet face.

"I'm going to duh my foot up your skinny ass." SaMiyah said back then laugh at the face Lovell made at her.

"You two are so goofy." Keisha said laughing at SaMiyah and Lovell. Anyone can tell that they are in love with each other.

"That be him Keesh. He always want to play or play somebody." SaMiyah said moving quickly in the house. Grabbing the cards.

"No that be her ass, she got carpet burn last night , trying to do a split." Lovell laughed.

"What the hell? Now Miyah you know better then that. Yo ass to big to be trying to bust a spilt." Keisha shook her head laughing.

"Listen to that fool if you want to Keisha."

Lovell just laughed then hit her ass.

"Why the hell was a porno on , in the living room?" Danny asked them.

Lovell and SaMiyah looked at each other and busted out laughing. They couldn't stop.

"They got issues boe." Danny shook his head.

"Hell yes they do." Keisha said walking in the living room.

It was close to twelve when Danny and Keisha left SaMiyah and Lovell house. Lovell and SaMiyah cleaned up downstairs and went up to their room.

"Today was a good day. Thanks for wanting to have a cookout babe." SaMiyah walked up to Lovell and stand between his legs. Lovell was sitting on the bed.

"Anything for you baby." He kissed her lips hard and deepened the kiss.

"Alright now boy. Don't start nothing you can't finish." She said against his lips.

"Ahhh girl please. You know I finish whatever I start in or out the bedroom." He said lifting her up and sitting her on his lap. "You feel that?"

SaMiyah moaned.

"Yes." She whispered.

"You want it?" Lovell said kissing her neck.

"Not tonight baby. I'm tired and I don't feel good." She said jumping off his lap and run into the bathroom and throw up all her food she ate today.

"Babe you okay?" Lovell said from behind the door.

"Aahh bbbbabbbu ahhh." Was all he got back.

He frowned. He didn't like the fact that his girl is sick. SaMiyah really don't get sick. He hope she don't have the flu or anything.

Five minutes later SaMiyah walked out the bathroom and went downstairs to the kitchen to get a soda out there. She bring it back upstairs with her and drink it before she got into the bed.

"Baby you okay?" Lovell asked from the bed.

"Yeah I'm fine. I think I'm coming down with something."

"You going into work tomorrow?"

"Yeah whatever this is will pass." SaMiyah took off her clothes and got in the bed.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She lean in to give him a kiss on the lips.

Lovell move back.

"Did you brush you teeth after you throw up?" He asked her laughing as she throw a pillow at him.

"Yeah jackass." She said as he lean over and kissed her.

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