We Could Be Anything

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"Kyle just landed at the airport!" Bryan yelled into the bathroom to Johnnie, who was still fixing his dark hair in front of the mirror.

He debated on wearing eyeliner all morning, and decided to wipe away the charcoal lines that surrounded his eyes. He's changed his outfit about three times, and now him and Bryan were running late.

Johnnie gave his reflection one last look and nodded in approval. He didn't tell Bryan anything that had happened between him and Kyle within the past week. Sure, Bryan was his best friend but he doesn't know how to keep a secret; and frankly, it was none of his business.

"Jesus Christ Johnnie, how long does it take to get ready?" Bryan huffed, grabbing his keys off of the counter.

"Sorry I uh- woke up late." Johnnie lied as he pulled their apartment door shut.

Bryan accepted the bullshit apology and turned on the music slightly. Happy by NeverShoutNever played through the speakers and Johnnie grinned. The lyrics made him think of Kyle; everything did. He couldn't wait to have that kid in his arms again. Maybe this time it would mean something.

Bryan shot Johnnie a weird look but decided not to make him snap out of whatever trance he was in. That is until they got to the main entrance of LAX. Bryan parked the car and told Johnnie to hurry up.

"Where is your little lover boy?" He joked, slowly scanning the lobby.

Johnnie rolled his eyes. "He said he's by the Starbucks waiting for us." He started walking towards the green sign a few feet ahead.

Sitting at a table all by himself was Kyle. His back was towards Bryan and Johnnie, his brown hair poking out from beneath his purple beanie. He was wearing the gray jacket Johnnie let him borrow last time he visited.

"Kyle!" Johnnie exclaimed, running towards the table. Kyle turned around and stood up, opening up his arms.

Johnnie ran and jumped up into Kyle's arms, wrapping his arms around the taller boy's neck.

"Johnnie. I missed you so much." Kyle mumbled into the crook of his neck. He gently lowered his friend back to the ground and pulled Bryan into a less dramatic hug.

"Did you miss me?" Bryan asked, making kissy faces at Kyle.

"Of course dude." Kyle responded, winking at Bryan then giggling.

They made their way back to Bryan's car, Johnnie carrying Kyle's backpack for him while Bryan rolled his suitcase. Bryan told them he had to run to target to get stuff for a video, but he would drop them off at the apartment first.

The drive to the apartment wasn't very long, but Kyle was exhausted from his flight from Ohio. He fell asleep in the front seat, head leaning against the window.

"Pssst. We're home." Johnnie whispered, shaking Kyle lightly. He smiled at the disgruntled noises that came from his mouth. Half asleep, he pulled on his backpack and stepped out of the car.

"I'll be back later, you can get your suitcase when I get home." Bryan called out from the rolled down window. Kyle nodded in response.

Kyle and Johnnie walked up to the fourth floor of the apartment building, climbing up the staircase. They were both fully awake by the time Johnnie put the key in their door.

Kyle set his backpack on a kitchen chair and sat on the counter. "Come here." He said softly, motioning over to Johnnie who was standing by the door.

Johnnie blushed and walked over to the counter, looking up at Kyle. He rest his hands on either side of Kyle's hips and leaned forward against the granite. "I'm so happy you're here."

Kyle smiled and leaned forward so his forehead was resting against Johnnie's. "Me too. I've been thinking a lot when I was back in Ohio." He pulled away and starred up at the ceiling, the corners of his mouth barely twitched up in a slight grin.

"About what you told me?" Johnnie asked quietly.

Kyle nodded. "And about how happy I am here. With you."

Johnnie grinned as Kyle continued. "I don't like talking about this kind of stuff but I think you make me really, really happy. Everyone else here helps me too but I don't know. You're different. You like, you get me."

"I don't know what to say. I like you, a lot, just like I told you before. I just don't know what to do from here." Johnnie said, hopping up on the counter beside Kyle.

"I wanted to ask you something before I left last time, Johnnie." Kyle said. Jonnie nodded. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Johnnie stopped in his tracks and hesitated. "I just- I don't know. I'm not sure how everyone is going to take it."

"You care what they think? Am I that embarrassing or something?" Kyle asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"No Kyle. God, you're perfect. Look at me." Kyle locked eyes with Johnnie, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Kyle you're so fucking gorgeous, look at you. Of course I'll be your boyfriend, a thousand times yes."

Kyle smiled and nodded. "Really?"
Johnnie shook his head yes.

"But I think we should keep to ourselves for a while. It's not that I don't want to show you off, which I plan on doing. It's just I'm not ready for people to see me with another guy." He explained, playing with a bracelet on Kyle's arm.

"Yeah. Okay, we can keep it out secret. Until you're ready." Kyle replied finally after thinking hard.

Johnnie didn't say anything else, he just wrapped a hand behind Kyle's neck and kissed his lips. They both dove deeper into the kiss, tasting each other's tongues. They were so lost in the kiss that they didn't notice Bryan walk into the apartment.

"What the fuck?!" Johnnie pulled his lips away so fast he nearly fell off of the counter. He was mortified.

We Could Be Anything // KohnnieWhere stories live. Discover now