Chapter 2 HELL aka school

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Hola My little book reading lovers out there. I am back YAY 🎉 anyway I am continuing this story. Since I got so many reads on my first chapter when I thought I would awkwardly fail. but... apparently I did pretty well so enjoy.

Gabi's POV

As soon as we got out of our car I was bothered by our so called "friends". From school that is. They weren't real friends they just thought that people with money and (apparently) good looks should hangout together get everyone to notice them and become popular. All they cared about was if they were single or not, how attractive they were, and how popular they are.

Now don't get me wrong my real friends out side of school are probably the same bc well we're famous.

But still these people can't be any faker then those plastic wrapped cheeses.

"OH MY GOSH!!!! Did u see the new boy he is sooooo hot" Karen said.

Now Karen she is the one that is total boy crazy. Like literally if u have her Channing Tatum and chick flicks she'd be set for life.

"No Karen I didn't see u say more than half the boys in our school are attractive and it's the first day of school there would totally be atleast 10 new guys so I wouldn't know" I said.

"Can't argue with that Karen" said Kaitlyn.

I have to say Kaitlyn is actually a great friend she only cares 20% looks 10% popularity 50% friend problems 10% of single or not and gives 10% about what people think. Seriously though A guy made fun of her for being adopted and she replied with atleast my parents got to choose me. It was the funniest thing in the world. Honestly I believe she is a true friend.

As we walked to our lockers we talked about some problems we have or had or what we wished we could change about ourselves.

"I really need to loose weight" I say looking in the mirror in my looker putting on my red lipstick.

"Omg no you don't you weigh like 130 that's 10 pounds lighter then me" Karen says.

"110" I correct her while I grab my books.

"30 pounds less" Kaitlyn says as I close my locker door and we all turn to go to first period. ( I am terrible at math and have a headache so forgive me if I got that wrong 😂)

"Excuse me excuse me excuse me" was all we were saying trying to get past people on our way to English.

When we finally got there I sat in a random sit 2nd seat down 3rd across And called it my seat for the year.

"Hello I am Mr. Roberts I am ur English teacher for this year I am so excited to have a class with you this year we are going to be doing exciting projects this year as well now please open to page 7 in ur books" Mr. Roberts says.

*2 weeks later*

Trying to pay attention in class I start to write down the notes but the cute but in front of me hands me a slip of paper and written inside were the words

"Will you go out with me?"

I look up from the note and whisper "yes"

"Gabi, hello? Miss Gabriella" says mr. Roberts

I find myself looking at the cute boy in front of me and him starring back with a confused face. Ughhhhh it was just a daydream.

"Ah yes sir?" I ask quietly

"Miss can u please tell us what u were just saying" he said.

"Ah I'm sorry sir but I would rather not beca-"

"Miss " he said giving me a death glare.

"Uh Okay fine I was thinking abou-" I started


I picked up my books an ran as fast as I could out of that class room.

Ugh only 7 more periods to go.

Hello my awesome readers I'm so happy I'm finally publishing another story. Okay important question how many chapter should I make my book 30?40?50? Like idk jut let me know. Anyway thank u for reading luv ya. Xoxo Bella

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