CHAPTER SEVEN: Tests and Trainers

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"The cat dragged me out, actually," I corrected her. "He gave me a tour earlier."

"I won't even pretend to understand what you just said." Jessaline's poisonous green eyes darted to the girls around me. "I didn't see any of you in Building One."

"That's because we're all in Building Two." I shook my head. "You'd better sharpen those skills of deduction if you want to do well on this exam, Snapp-dragon."

Jessaline's retort was interrupted by a pretty girl with smooth dark skin, who introduced herself as Isobel James. "Do any of you feel prepared for this?" Isobel asked. "I mean, what kind of test is it? The one that fairy godmothers take every year to make sure they're still on their game?"

Gwendolyn, who had obviously done her research, spoke up. "No, that's the Bar exam. It's way harder."

"What do you mean, make sure fairy godmothers are still on their game?" I asked. "Do some of them start slacking off?"

Isobel nodded. "I heard people talking in the cafeteria. Apparently someone got fired for failing because she neglected her studies," she said in a low voice. "And another one got kicked out because she acquired a shopping addiction."

"I heard one got fired for committing one of the biggest no-nos in C.A.F.E. history," Sasha chimed in. She dropped her voice, making all of us lean in, including Jessaline. "The prince she was trying to land for her princess? She fell in love with him herself."

Everyone gasped. I was dying to ask more questions, but a woman entered the lobby right then. I recognized her from the brochure as one of the seven Council members. The room went quiet at once.

"Good afternoon and welcome to C.A.F.E.," she said. "I am Madam Flora Fairweather, the Godmother of Education. It's a pleasure to see such bright young women who may one day take up the mantle of running our esteemed organization." She folded her hands behind her back. "I understand that some of you may feel anxious about this exam, but I encourage you to remain calm. It is merely an assessment designed to help us give you the most fulfilling experience possible. Whether you gravitate toward making love matches or dueling witches, our brief exam will help decide where you fit in best."

"I like the sound of dueling," Emily whispered to me.

"That makes one of us," I whispered back.

"This is the last week of August," the fairy godmother was saying. "From now until December, I fully expect all fourteen of you to have developed the skills you will need to succeed at C.A.F.E. At that time, if you decide to pursue a career with us, you will take the certifying exam to become a full-fledged godmother. And now, if you'll follow me."

She led us through the hallway of offices and paused in front of a classroom door, pulling out a clipboard. "Each of you will be paired with a mentor for this exam. These senior fairy godmothers will help determine your specialties. When I call your name, please enter the room."

Gwendolyn and Emily were called first, then Jessaline and three girls I didn't know.

"Noelle Simpkins," Madam Fairweather read. "You're with Madam Henrietta Clark."

I walked into a long room divided by curtains, sectioning off small areas that each contained two chairs and a desk. There was a woman sitting in each little makeshift room, some with an intern already facing them.

I looked around until I saw a woman with soft, curly gray hair sitting alone in the corner. A small plaque attached to the curtain announced that she was Madam Clark, and when I walked over, she smiled.

"I'd know you anywhere, Noelle. You're the spitting image of your mother, except with your dad's dark hair."

"You've met my parents?" I asked, taking a seat across from her.

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