CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Keeping Cool and Keeping Records

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The sound of a key turning in our bedroom door woke us up the next morning.

"That would be Euberta," my trainer groaned, struggling to sit up in the other bed. "Man, my arms are killing me. Now I know what waving fiery torches does to your muscles."

"Tell me about it. My hand feels like I punched a wall," I said, massaging my fist. "Maybe Madam Clark was wrong. Maybe witch-fighting is my forte."

"Maybe it's mine, too. Tell me you saw me kick that goblin."

"Son of a dodo! When the two of you are done trading war stories, can we get some breakfast?" Muffet asked irritably from the windowsill. "Some of us less important individuals are hungry, you know."

"Sorry, Muffet. We'll get dressed." Maud glanced at her frog, who was sitting on the nightstand beside the gold leaf I had plucked. "Morning, Alfonso."

He ribbited, glancing at the leaf with a wary expression.

"What? You don't like that?" I asked. "We got it from a tree in the goblin castle."

"Oh, for the love of hairballs!" Muffet exploded, his taffy-colored fur standing on end. "We know you had a great adventure, la dee dah, good for you."

"Muffet!" Maud exclaimed. "What is the matter with you this morning?"

The cat hunched his shoulders, eyeing the leaf next to Alfonso. "Sorry. It's just . . . that thing. I don't want to be in the same room with it. It reminds me of . . ." He covered his face dramatically with one paw.

"Of what?" I asked.

Maud shook her head at me. Later, she mouthed. I wondered if it had anything to do with Muffet refusing to tell me about his past.

I hid the leaf in my pocket as we dressed in silence. Downstairs, we ran into Princess Rebecca, who showed us to the throne room. The servants had laid out a sumptuous breakfast.

"Do you have strawberry yogurt, perchance?" Muffet inquired, looking a bit more cheerful now that the leaf was out of sight.

Rebecca stared at him open-mouthed. "Uh . . . yeah. Yes."

"This day is getting better already," said the cat.

King Frederick looked smaller than ever, perched on the huge throne in scarlet robes. He was chattering about a new gargoyle to no one in particular, while his daughters milled about, looking bored. Some of them threw hateful glances at Rosamond, who stood kissing Peter furiously as though to make up for lost time.

"Where are the other guests?" I asked. "You know, that sour girl and the prince in purple."

"Hightailed it out of here this morning. Wouldn't you, after seeing that?" Rebecca asked, throwing a disgusted glance at Rosamond and Peter, who were slobbering all over each other's faces.

I beamed. The thought of Jessaline fleeing with her tail between her legs gave me infinite satisfaction.

"Ah, good morning, fearless fairy godmothers!" the tiny king said, catching sight of us.

Peter pried himself away from Rosamond with difficulty. Ever since his display of heroism, he walked with greater confidence, though I noticed him tripping slightly as he hurried to shake our hands.

"I can't thank you two enough," he said. "Rosamond and I are getting married!"

"Why, congratulations," Maud said, winking at me.

"The young man showed me the evidence," King Frederick said, holding up a silver goblin leaf. Muffet gave a low, upset hiss when I pulled out my own leaf to give to the king.

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