That Night.

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-i saw Ethan leaning over Brooke. You could totally tell they were making out with each other. They didn't say anything, but their embaressed expression on their face sure did.
"Oh sorry wrong room." I said trying not to laugh. I closed the door and heard Brooke and Ethan laughing.
Well that was a little weird.

I found the bathroom which was next door and cleaned myself up. I wiped off all my makeup and put simple mascara on. It was the only thing I had, and I didn't want to go back home. I walked out the bathroom and sat back on the couch were grayson was.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yea I guess, ugh I just don't know what to do..." I said I had a pounding head ache from screaming and crying.
"What do u mean u don't know what to do?" I forgot I didn't tell him what happened.
"Long story short my mom was drinking she argued with me and blah blah blah and she pretty much kicked me out the house for the night." I said.
"What?! That's fucked up" grayson said.
"Well my whole life is.." I say.
"Hey um," he said scratching the back of his head, "u can stay the night here if u want my parents are away on business and my sister is to so its just me and Ethan here-"
"I really have no where else to go and if its ok with u and Ethan then-"
"Yes its totally fine, look I think u have had enough for one day, how about we start the project tomorrow?"
"Sure"I said.

After that Grayson and I popped in a movie it was Ferris Buler's Day Off.
(BTW I love that ovie u should watch it its really funny its an old movie but a classic)

Grayson's POV-----

After me and Ariana popped in the movie we sat on the couch together and watched a movie. Halfway through I noticed Ariana was getting sleepy. She started leaning on me. I didn't mind though. She seemed to dlze of asleep snuggled into me. It was kinda cute. Then i realized that i started to have feelings for ariana. Should i tell her? I just sat there and watched the rest of the movie while that question ran laps in my head. She has been through so much today. So I just let her sleep while I watched it.

Then I heard Ethan and Brooke come downstairs.
"Sshhhh," I said "be more quiet y'all Ariana is sleeping."
Ethan said "oh" and kissed Brooke goodbye. I knew they were gonna end up going out. Ethan always had a thing for Brooke. After the movie finished I woke up Ariana.
"Heyy psst sleepy head"I said poking at her head.
"Huh?"she said her eyes barley open. She picked her head off my chest.
"Oh I'm sorry, I must have feel asleep" she said.
"There's nothing to be sorry for" I said with a slight laugh. She is always so apologetic. When she looked up at me we just sat their. Its like we just zoomed out of reality and stared at each others eyes for a moment. I snapped out it. "He it's getting late we should go upstairs u can use the guest room its right next to mine."
"Ok" she said.

Ariana's POV----

I followed Grayson upstairs. He walked into his room.
"Come on in nothings gonna pop out and scare you." He said sarcastically with a laugh. I walked into his room. I had to say it was kinda neat, like I mean knowing most teenage boys are very messy and disorganized. He started going through one of his dressers, digging for clothes I guess. He pulled out a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. And threw it at me. Before I could say what's this for he said, "here u can sleep in those if u want."
"Ok" I said. I walked to the bathroom and changed. I put on his clothes, the pants fit kinda good but I mean their sweat pants though. And the sweatshirt was baggy but who didn't like baggy sweatshirts. When I slipt the swear shirt on it smelled of his colone. Which smelled really really good. I grabbed my clothes and shoved it in my purse. The only thing I had with me was some makeup and pack of gum and my charger and phone. I walked out the bathroom and grayson showed me to the guest room. It was a pretty nice room.
"Hey uh can I tell u something?" Grayson asked.
"Sure what is it?" I said.
"You know what never mind" he said quickly. UGHH I hate when people do that.

We said our good nights and I laid in bed. Just wondering about all that happened that night.
And most of all what grayson wanted to tell me but didn't...


Aye wassup? Happy Dolan Twin Tuesday biotches. Go watch the video if u haven't

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