Run Away.

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   Brooke and her mom dropped me off home.

"Bye Ms. Holly! Bye, Brooke!,Thanks for dropping me off." I said making my way towards the front door. They waved through the car window and drove off once they saw me close the door.

"Ariana, Sweety, is that you?" i heardmomom scream from the kitchen.

"Yea, mom I'm home" I said. I walked into the kitchen

"Ariana, who is Grayson?" My mom asked. It was kinda a weird question.

"Uh- He is my boyfriend." I said shyly. I never really like talking to my mom about my love life. I didn't even like telling her about my personal life at all. She only forces herself into my school life which is mainly grades and after school activities. 

"Why are you asking?" I continued.

"He came over earlier and asked if you were home, I told him you went by your friend's house and then he left. Ariana, I want you to break up with him, he is gonna distract you from your grades" She said. 

"Oh what? IS my A/B honor roll not good enough? Do you think I'm not gonna go to college and barely make it through high school? Just over a boy? Really mom? I'm not gonna be like you! Why can't you just let me be a teenager?!?!" I said. I so wasn't ready for the bullshit she was about to hit me with. 

"Ariana, I said I don't want you seeing this boy. Its final." she said with a firm voice.

"No." I said, "you cant tell me what to do." I screamed.

"Well I am your mother and you live under my house so until you are 18, you do as I say." my mother said. I didn't stay any longer. I ran upstairs. I waited till it was really later at night. Then I quickly shoved clothes and other stuff into one suit case. Grabbed my phone and its charger, shoved it in my purse and crawled out the window. 

Even though I was on the second floor I had a ladder right next to my window from when Gray came to hang one day. I threw my suitcase out the window, I didn't really care only had bath stuff and clothes in there nothing fragile. Then I threw my purse over my shoulder and climbed down the ladder. I picked up my suitcase and pulled out the handle and started walking. 

Brooke's house was only like 10 blocks away. I'm kinda scared, after all it is pretty late and stuff can happen. Chill your shitt, Ariana. I thought to myself as a whole bunch of situations of how wrong this can go ran through my mind. I started to pick up my pace a little. The sooner I got to Brooke's, the better. My heart would beat faster every time a car would pass by. One car came by and started slowing down. Oh shit. I thought to myself. I started to walk a bit faster. Then once I passed another house the car pulled in the drive way. I let out a big sigh, thank god nothing bad happened. 

For me pretty much the whole walk to Brooke's house was pretty intense. I finally reached Brooke's house. I let out a huge sigh that sent shivers up and down my whole body. But it was good shivers, you know like the ones that are like 'safe at last and you know it'. I didn't wanna wake up everyone. So I called Brooke. She answered and I told her I was out side and she said why and I told her I needed somewhere to stay for awhile and that I would tell her everything just if I could stay with her.
"I'll be right there." She said. The phoned beeped. She hung up. I heard footsteps and then the door knob jiggled. Then Brooke opened the door. She was in a ninja turtle onesie. That's just typical Brooke.

"What happened?" She asked. I didn't say anything I just jumped and gave her a big hug. In just needed one right now.
"C'mon we can go into my room" she said. We walked into her room and I slept on her couch in her room. Well, that is after I told her everything.

Looks like I'm staying with Brooke for awhile...

———next morning—————

I woke up to Brooke constantly shaking me. I sat myself up on her couch rubbing the sleep out my eyes.

"Are u coming to school?" She asked.

"No I might see if Grayson will hang with me today can u get me homework and stuff for me from my classes?" I asked.

"No prob." When Brooke left for school, I walked to Grayson's house. When I reached his house he was just about to leave for school.

"Hey." I said.
"Hey, baby." He replied kissing my forehead.
"I was wondering if u can like just chill with me today." I asked.
"You mean like ditch school?" He said. I felt kinda weird asking Grayson to ditch just to hang with me.
"Uh- yea, my mom is being a bitch.. Again." I said, "and I really need and would like if I could talk to u about it and stuff." I continued.
"Okay let me just tell Ethan." I nodded 'ok'. He came back ten minutes later and inviting me in.

"So ur parents are still away?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"Yea its only Tuesday so that means they won't be back till 5 more days." He replied. "Are u hungry?" He asked.

"Yea a little Brooke's parents doesn't exactly know our arrangement yet." I said.

"So tell me what happened?" He said.

I love how he actually listens to me.

Grayson's POV—————

  "My mom told me that u came over earlier yesterday and asked me who u was and I said Grayson my boyfriend and she like I don't know, but she was all like u need to break up with him u need to worry about ur gardes and stuff not boys. And I said I'm not gonna be like u and like I mean what more can she expect from me? And I told her no I wasn't going to break up with u and she pulled the I'm ur mom u do as I say until ur 18 bullshit card." She said.

"Its ok." I said. I pulled her in for a tight hug. I didn't know what exactly to say to her. "So what are you going to do?" I asked.

"I packed some things a crawled out my window and walked to Brooke's house. I'm going to see if I can stay there for a while." She said.

"You know you will have to go home eventually." I said. I'm hoping she won't backlash on what I just said. She took a deep breath and let it out. 

"I just really don't wanna think about going back to my mom's house." She said.

"If u can't stay at Brooke's for as long you need to you can always come and stay with me" I said. She didn't respond. We just hugged again. She laid her head on my shoulder. 

Ariana's POV--------------

I pulled my head back and sat straight up once again. We just sat there for a moment and looked into each others eyes. Like for one whole minute we were having a conversations, just by staring, Yea I know, it sounds weird. It did feel weird, but the good kinda weird. Like ugh I don't know.

Since the minute I met Grayson, his eyes had me hooked...


Hope u liked it. I made this chapter extra long. it took me two days to update cuz i kinda had writers block and didn't know what to do for this chapter and i didn't wanna do anything to cliche. But shout out to Brooke my frann for giving me the idea for this chapter.

-ari <3

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