Chapter 3

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Where am I?

This surely wasn't some village. It was clear that I was on an island, but what island? Deciding to explore a bit, I got up from the gritty sand and entered the mysterious forest. Once I entered, I realized it wasn't so scary after all, but I ended up seeing the same thing over and over as I walked on the pathway. Plants and trees.

Come on, there had to be more than just plants on this damn island. While walking on the path, I put myself to a stop when I hear a strange noise. I could hear the cries of children.

This only made me more confused, and a little more frightened.  I try following the noises, but it leads me to no where. My mind is probably messing with me and I'm just going in endless circles. Spotting a large rock on the ground, I sit down on it to get my mind together.   A different sound then filled my ears.  It wasn't the sound of children crying, it was the sound of a flute I'm guessing.

Following the sound of flute, its melody was gradually becoming louder. Taking careful steps toward the noise, I began hearing cheering and hollering.  It sounded like a celebration.  I continued following the noise and finally found where the sounds were coming from.  Right before me was a campsite.  I hid behind a tree, watching about fifteen boys in dirty attire dancing around a fire.  They seemed so enthusiastic and carefree.  But then my eyes laid on a different boy.

The boy was roughly about 5'9, looked about eighteen years of age, had chestnut brown hair, nice eyebrows, forest green eyes, and was wearing a dark green outfit.  The boy stood in the middle of the dancing boys, playing his pipes. That must've been where the music was coming from.  That must be the music that the boys are dancing too.  This green-eyed boy has be the leader of the group.

I examined the leader, thinking if I should interrupt.  I watched the leader's movements and mainly scanned his eyes.  Whenever I meet someone for the first time, I always seem to notice their eyes first.  For some reason, looking into people's eyes helps me determine what kind of person they are.

Looking into the leader's eyes, I only saw evil.  I saw darkness.  No good whatsoever.  I always trust my instinct and it was saying that this boy was bad news.  Finally making my decision to leave, I turned around, planning to leave. Unfortunately, my plan to leave was a complete failure when my foot landed on a stick, making a loud cracking sound.

You have got to be kidding me.

Everything turned silent. The sounds of hollering boys and music were no longer heard. Shit. They know I'm here. Slowly turning around, all the boys gave me nothing but a deathly stare. The leader of the group was staring as well, but he had a grin planted on his face.  Being the panicked and unprepared girl I was, I quickly ran away. To where that might be, I didn't know.

"Let's get her boys!" One of the boys shouted.

I continued running, not knowing where I was headed. My heart was beating rapidly, not because of the running, but because of fear. My breath was ragged as I was passing through the thick trees. The sounds of the boys screaming behind me only made me quicken my pace. My breathing quickens, trying to appease my need for oxygen, but it all comes to an end when I see that I'm in a dead end.

Making an attempt to turn around and run was no success when the group of boys had beat me to it. They circled around me, examining me like I was a strange creature. They surrounded all the places where I could escape. No where to hide now. A few moments later, a teenage boy from the group approaches me. His hair was dark and short, but also wavy. He was around 5'8 and looked about my age.

And if I was being honest, he was kind of cute. But I had to focus that I could be in serious danger.

"Well, well.  Look who we have here." The boy said, appearing very amused. All the other boys seemed entertained, as if this were a show.

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