Chapter 16

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Amanda's POV

Peter and I have been together for about a month now and our relationship has been going smoothly. Well, not always.  Ever since Peter told all the boys about us, they've been acting differently, especially Adam. I haven't talked to Adam ever since Peter threatened him.  I honestly miss the friendship that Adam and I had.  It's a shame that it ended up this way.

Peter and I argue a lot, but half the time, it's just joking around.  Oh yeah and also, I moved in with him. No longer do I stay in my tent, but now I live in the tree house with Peter.  I was glad to have my own bedroom.  Peter offered me to sleep in the master bedroom with him, but I don't think I'm ready. Sleeping on my own is fine with me.

Now don't get me wrong, being with Peter is a blast, but he is still that dark person.  I don't mind it, but at the same time I'm worried about him. I'm worried on what he's capable to do.  He can also be quite protective.  He always checks up on me to see if I'm wearing the necklace.  Weird.  It's not like I can take it off or anything since he told me it's connected to my soul.

He also hates it when I talk to the other lost boys. One time, he got jealous all because I was talking to this one lost boy, Will, who is nine years old.

But anyways, even though being Peter's girlfriend can be a handful, I'm happy.  I've been a lot happier than usual.  Every night, we go to the Mermaid Lagoon to play around in the sand or swim in our special pond.

The sun was setting and grey clouds covered the sky.  I eyed the clouds, waiting for Peter at the Mermaid Lagoon. Earlier we talked about how we would meet here tonight.  I just love our late night activities.  They always complete my day.

I continued to wait and boy....he was late.  Did he forget about us meeting at the Mermaid Lagoon?  Did he end up going to the pond instead?  Maybe he's busy?  Who knows.  I stood up from the rock I sat on and began exiting the Mermaid Lagoon to go find Peter.  But as I exit, I heard a girl's voice from behind.

I turned around to see a mermaid in the water.  She had a welcoming smile on her face and her hair was a bright red. Oh my lord.  I am one hundred percent sure that she is Ariel.  She's one of my favorite fairytale characters of all time!!!!!  This mermaid has to be Ariel, I just know it!

"Ariel?" I gasped, walking closer to her.

"Yep that's me Amanda." She said with a bright smile. Wait, how does she know my name?

"Uh yeah.  How do you know my name?"  I asked, a little bit suspicious, but still in complete awe that I was having a conversation with Ariel.

"I know everything.  Mermaids know everything about everything." Ariel stated happily.  Well, you learn something new everyday.

"Oh, wow." 

"Well anyways, I'm here because I need to tell you something important."  Her brightened face turned serious.

"Important?  Like what?"

"Your'e in da--" Ariel started off, until a voice cut her off.  It was Peter Pan.  Peter called my name from behind, waving his hand at me.  I quickly turned back to face Ariel, but she wasn't there. She was gone. Huh, I wonder what she was going to tell me.  Darn Peter just had to show up at the wrong time.  I sighed in disappointment that Ariel had left, but it was alright because Peter was here now.

"You are late." I ran to him, poking his hard chest.

"I know.  Something came up." He said, biting his lip. 

"Oh.  What was it?"

"Not important." Peter simply denied the question, which made me even more curious.  But, I'm not going to bother asking him more questions because it's probably going to lead to an argument, which I don't want at the moment.  All I want is fun.  So to set the mood, I tapped Peter on the shoulder and yelled,


We ran on the sand and we laughed the entire time as he was chasing me.  It didn't take long for Peter to catch me since he was way faster than me.  I screamed and laughed at the same time when he caught me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, lifting me up in circles. 

This is so cheesy, I thought.

"Ahhh!  Let me go!"  I laughed, hitting his arm playfully.

"Oh fine, since I'm so kind and generous." He said with sarcasm, finally placing me down on the sand.

"You wish."

Peter pulls me closer to his body and our eyes meet.  His eyes, they were sparkling. I do love that sparkle his eyes give off.  Instead of waiting for him to make a move, I put my arms around his neck and kiss him.  Peter holds me by the waist and we kiss passionately. This is literally the perfect moment.  A moment that I want to last forever. Sadly, the kiss ends and we both sit on the sand while viewing the sea and the moon in front of us. Just then, I had a sudden thought in my head.

"Peter, have you ever thought about what your life would be the real world.  You know, where I came from?"

"Oh I've been in the real world before.  It's dreadful."  He paused. "I'm assuming the real world didn't go so well for you?" He questioned, his body turned towards mine.

"Yeah, but I miss it sometimes.  Especially at night when I have all these different thoughts wandering in my head."  I admitted.

"Do you feel lonely in the night?"

"Well, sometimes.  Why you ask?"

"Because you know I can change that."  He put his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Okay Peter, stop.  You are making this hard for me to say 'no'.

"That's sweet of you, but I'm fine.  Really, I am.  After tonight, I will certainly not feel lonely."  I kissed him on the cheek. 


I laid in my bed just thinking about, well you know, life.  Tonight was perfect, but I wanted to know why Peter was late.  He's never late when it comes to our late night activities.  I don't know why I want to know so badly, but I can't control my curious brain.  He could've been late because maybe he had to go to the bathroom or something small like that, but my gut says it's something more than that. 

Getting out of bed, I go to the kitchen to get a snack.  All these thoughts about life makes me hungry and eating takes my mind off things like this.  As I headed to the kitchen, a noise from outside was heard.  The noise could've been anything, but as always, my gut said it was something more.  I got down from the tree house and went outside.

All the boys were sleeping in their tents and I made the choice of leaving the camp to see where the strange noise came from.  Then, I hear the noise again.  I wasn't certain on what it was, but it was something.  I continue walking through the trees and plants, not knowing where I'm headed.  Eventually, my eyes catch something.  Something that I really did not expect.

It was a girl.  She looked around my age, had curly blonde hair and was wearing a white night gown.  She was inside some cage, made of bamboo I'm guessing.  Her face was full of confusion as she stared at me, but my face probably was too.  Why is this girl in a cage?  Who is she?  I came up to the cage to get a better look at her.

"Who are you?" The girl whispered quietly.

"I'm Amanda." I whispered back.  "Now who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Wendy.  Wendy Darling."

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