Imagine for Pierce-the-cal (1D)

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Liam's POV:

Today management told us that we'd need our check-ups done before the start of tour. It shouldn't be a problem though because when we aren't on tour, we are all doctors, so we'll just give each other a check-up. Yesterday, we decided who would do each person's check-up, and Niall and I are doing Louis and Harry's while they do ours. It's not that we don't want them to give each other a check-up, but the fact that even though they are both doctors themselves, they're terrified of having someone else give them a check-up and getting shots. It's kind of funny because they are the ones that have the most tattoos and such, yet they're afraid of shots. They keep saying that tattoos are different though. It's not the pain that scares them, but the fact that they have something inside them and they have no control over what it does to them. Because a tattoo doesn't go below the skin surface, into the blood stream, and the fact that they have full control over what is happening, they're okay with it.

Both Harry and Louis may be afraid of shots and check-ups themselves, but they are actually really good doctors when they have to do check-ups on other people. So, with that being said, I'll be doing Harry's check-up, while Harry does my check up, Niall will do Louis' check-up, and Louis will do Niall's check-up. This way, it's spread out that there's a person not afraid of the shots and check-ups paired with someone that is.

It's now time for our check-ups, so I meet the other guys at the medical bus. Surprise, surprise, I'm the first one here. It's not my fault that I actually get to places on time. While I wait for the other guys to get here, I get the rooms prepped and ready for us to use. I'm just filling up the syringes with the needed medications and capping the needles, when I hear the others walking in. "Hey guys. I'm in here", I tell them and meet them halfway to the exam rooms. "Hey Li, hope you haven't been waiting long. We just had to finish a round of football and it was a tied game", Louis says and I nod. "No problem. Haz, you ready?" I ask and he gives me a look of pure fear. I gently, but sternly grab his arm and direct him to the room, while Niall does the same with Louis.

I close the door, so Harry can't try to run away, and gesture for Harry to sit on the table. He does and I grab my stethoscope that's around my neck, and say, "Haz, I'm just going to listen to your heart and lungs. No need to be afraid. You know I'd never hurt you". Harry nods his head and tries to relax while I listen to his heart and lungs with my stethoscope. Both sound good and clear, so I move on to checking his vitals. I check his pulse and temperature quickly and write down that both are normal, just a little high because he's scared.

I then go to grab the blood pressure cuff, but Harry cringes in fear. I see this and asks him, "Haz, what's wrong? Why don't you like the cuff? All you'll feel is a little pressure, that's it. You know that." Harry continues to cringe, so I sit down next to him and bring him in my arms to help calm him down. Slowly, Harry calms down and tells me, "Li, I know what it does and that it won't hurt, but I just don't like the feel of it. I don't like that it squeezes my arm and I can't do anything to stop it. I just don't like it". I continue to try to comfort Harry down and tell him, "Haz, its okay. We still have to do it, but we can wait until the end for it. That way you can calm down a bit before we have to do that". He nods his head and I grab my light and otoscope to start checking his eyes, ears, nose, and throat. They all look good, so I then go on to checking Harry's tummy and making sure all his organs are working the way they should be. "Haz, can you lay down for me?" Harry hesitantly lays down and I tell him what I'm doing so not to scare him. "Harry, I'm just going to check to see if your organs are in working order and that there's no pain. You have to tell me if you feel anything out of the ordinary or if you're in any pain". Harry nods, and I begin to gently feel his stomach. He cringes and proclaims, "Li, your hands are really cold!" "Sorry Haz", I say and try to warm them up a bit.

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