New York

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Hi my name is Zachary Reed Clayton. Right now i live in roundrock texas but im moving to new york.

Hi my name is Megan Michelle Bellisario. I live in New York and i am a preformer on broadway.

Zach's pov:
I arrive at the airport and start broadcasting. My fans are going crazy bc a bunch of them live in New York. I get off broadcast cause we are taking off. The plane lands a few hours later and we get off. We get to the house and i amedietly ran off to explore. When i turn the cornor i bump into this really cute girl. I say sorry and then ask what her name was. She said "Megan". Then she was like "i have to get going" I said "whats your number". She gives it to me and runs off.

Megan's pov:
I was walking to the bakery to pick up some stuff and i bumped into this really cute guy. He said his name was zach. We exchanged numbers but i had to go so he said he would text me later.

I went home and amedietly looked up megan. I found out she was a broadway star and bought tickets to "Spring Awakening", the broadway show she is in. The tickets i bought were for tonight so i asked my mom Apryll if she wanted to go with me.

Megan: I got ready and went to work. Im in Spring Awakening on broadway. Like everyday i have two shows. This was the second one for the day. I arrive and quickly get ready, the show was about to start.

I arrive at the show with my mom. She explaind to me what the show was going to be about. I have to admit i was a little weirded out by it. We sat in the front row and waited for the show to start.

I was about to walk on stage. I played the main girl part in the show. Right as i walked on stage i saw a familer face. It was that guy i bumped into earlier. Whats his name.... zach. I freaked out a little bit and went on with the show.

Megan walked on stage and i saw her staring at me then she stopped and started talking. It came up to the end of the show and there was a part coming up with megan in it. She walks out with a guy and they sit on this square thing while people sway them. Then the guy pushes her down and starts taking off her shirt exposing her breasts. I was freaking out. After the show i walk up to her and say, "just met you and your already showing me your boobs".

I start to freak out cause im about to show my boobs and a guy that i really like is out there. I walk out and start that scene. It comes to the part where the guy im acting with takes off my shirt. I look over at zach and he was surprised. After the show he walks up to me and says "we just met and your already showing me your boobs". I laugh but im really embarrassed. He invited me out to dinner and we go eat.

I invited her to dinner and we ate and hung out for a bit. Then i took her home and i went home and feel asleep. 

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