CH-00: Prologue (SHORT)

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WARNING These images/ideas/vehicles belong to their original owners!


Toyato City. NJR Territory, (10:52-AM).

The president of the NJR was sitting at his office. One not too fancy or expensive or anything..

Just enough to be casual, like most other cizitens in the NJR.

The president or otherwise known as "Saburou" was looking through the reports of the recent conflict related to terrorists in the Espeon's and Umbreon's territory.

Around 15 Jolteons were killed. 

While the nation was good at compensating for such, it needs to also deal with defusing the panic of the situation.

Suddenly.. A massive bright white light blinded everything outside, the skies. Turned white.

"OH GOD-" He yelled, covering his eyes and comically falling off his chair.

Outside the office, NJR Territory, (10:53-AM).

Two Guards (Triangle masks) were talking to the minister of defense when the flash happened.



A guard and the minister fell down while the other guard dropped his gun and covered his eyes. 

Fortress "Akagi", NJR Territory (10:51-AM).

The flash covered the fortresss and many soldiers was instantly blinded...

the weird thing is that all vehicles FROZE not able to move somehow....

City of Azzaki, NJR Territory (10:52-AM).

The same thing happened with vehicle adruptly stopping and planes over head seemingly freezing mid-air.

Soon the flash subsided... Confusion now spreads...................


"Let's see how an advanced pokemon civilization survives in another world......"

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