Pretty boy

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It's officially Monday. The day all teenagers dread. I decided to somewhat dress up. I grabbed my bag and checked my phone as I made my way to the truck.

Cathy da bae Simone:
Getting a ride with Nick, cu @ lunch :****

Pretty boy?

I can't believe he remembers I called him pretty boy. I can't believe I called him pretty boy. At least I'm only at school until the end of lunch. I have a doctors appointment mainly to do more tests.

Surprising classes went really fast. Simply because Ash wouldn't stop messaging me the most stupidest things where I had to try and not laugh out loud. But lunch. Lunch was now.

"Cathy, Cathy, Cathy, I thought you'd know better then to take my man" some snobby cheerleader bitched.

"Hey bitch, I suggest you step back because Nick was never your man and if you get any closer to her you're going to have to deal with me" I spoke up in the middle of the cafeteria.

She stepped closer to Cathy and I was very close. "Just leave my man alone" the cheerleader bitched.

"I suggested for you to step out so now I'm telling you, step the fuck back before I make you" I growled.

The football guys were holding Nick away. "No you listen that's my man" her voice was so annoying and she stepped even closer to Cathy.

I'm tired of this bitches shit. I stood in front of Cathy so there was no space between me and the cheerleader. "Move away" I warned but she stood ground.

This is pissing me off and I've been losing my temper lately. I clenched my fist and drew my arm back and straight towards the left side of her jaw. She stepped back immediately as her ass hit the floor hard. I turned my head to see everyone starring.

"You know what I'm tired of all your shit, some of you go around bulling others just so you could get your way and it's getting pathetic. You're all in high school so grow the fuck up." I said loud enough so everyone could hear me.

"And what does that make you! You just punched an innocent girl" Devin yelled.

"Innocent? For the past four years she's been bulling Cathy. I warned her to step back and not get any closer  but she refused. I'm not going to play all your stupid little games, I was protecting a friend. But the question is what are you doing! You and the football team are holding Nick back to stay away from Cathy for what? Who cares if she's labeled a nerd. She's dating one of your team mates, and I'm pretty sure they love each other!" I yelled back.

"And what do you know about love!?"
He asked

"I loved you, I still love you, no matter how hard I try and forget and hate you I can't, Nate and Cathy have been talking and flirting for over a year the only reason they didn't start dating sooner is because he's afraid of you guys. He's afraid of his own team. You don't even notice how happy they are together." I yelled.

I didn't realize how close Devin had become until he grabbed my face and kissed me. I immediately pushed him off.

"You don't get to do that, you don't get to kiss me" I growled as I ran off. The sound of Cathy's flats running after me became softer and softer until I new she wasn't close I stopped and breathed. I am not going to cry today.

My mom called me an hour ago to pick me up. But I ended up driving to the hospital my self. We ended up talking to some doctor about me having to come in tomorrow for the test results and a CT scam and an MRI. When we tried asking why they said they didn't want to tell us anything until things were certain.

By the time we got home my mom had to fly back to Argentina or Columbia or where ever it was she was at. But soon enough I was in bed.

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