Chapter 14

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"Life is never easy. Grow up and accept that." ~Anonymous

Brooke's POV-

I sighed as I walked down the long hallways. Students were lingering around in big crowds. I hate being the out-cast here. It's so boring.

"Move." A teacher said walking by me. Before I had a chance to move, she pushed me to the side. I felt so vulnerable.

"Hey are you okay?" I heard a deep voice said, his voice coated with concern.

"Um.." I muttered nervously. My eyes darted to his beautiful face, I just want to avoid this awkward moment.

"Do you want to see the nurse or something?" The boy asked looking behind him. Thankfully he wasn't staring at me with his piercing eyes.

"N-n-no thanks." I stuttered and quickly ran away to my first class.

The boy with the beautiful blue eyes. He's just so perfect.

I walked into 6th period tired as ever. This whole day was so weird, I was given glanced and small chuckles.

"Alright kids. I'll like you guys to meet, Brooke." The lady pointed to me and basically pushed me into the classroom.

I pushed my glasses up and stared at the class.

"Hi." I mumbled and scanned the group of 40-60 students or so.

I saw the amazing blue eyes that held so much amusement and mystery to them. Blue eye boy was talking to another boy.

The other kid has brown hair and I couldn't see what his face looked like.

It was fair to say they're both hot.

"Where do I sit?" I asked zoning back to reality. The teacher chuckled and pointed to the seat on front of my hero.

"Okay." I said nervously and timidly walked over to the kid.

"Hello! I'm Damian and this is Carter!" Damian said smiling brightly. He pointed to the other kid behind him.

It's obvious he was laughing at something the other kid said. Carter, what Carter said, I mean.

"I'm Brooke." I said pushing my glasses up. I turned back around and wanted to faint.

He just talked to me!

All through theater class the boys behind me where talking to each other. They must of been best friends or something.

"The homework assignment this week is to write your very own script. It can about anything, realistic, fantasy." The teacher said.

I can finally write on about werewolves! Yes! It can be about mates yes!

"But you have to preform it to the class. Good luck. You can work in groups of 5-10.

Oh great.






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