Chapter 8

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"Love is a battlefield, those who want true love has to fight for it. Beyond differences created by humans such as caste, creed, country, religion, race, and culture."~ Santosh Kalwar

"Where are you going?" Mason asked me. I shook my head and pulled on a white tank top.

"Huh?" I asked loosing my train of thought. I put on a white button up shirt.

"Where. Are. You. Going?" He asked one more time.

"Out." I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry. I'll be back before mid-night. Call me if anything happens."

"I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself!" Mason pouted at me. I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Whatever. But, seriously, call me." I hugged him one last time. "Lock the doors."

I grabbed my phone from the counter. "Don't let anyone in. Mom and I have keys, so don't let ANYONE in. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." Mason said getting into those military position.

"I'll be back." I smiled and grabbed my keys.

"This person is changing you." Mason said as I walked out the door. "Don't loose him."

"What do-" I was about to ask but someone honked their horn. "Bye!"

Mason nodded and locked the door. My legs basically jumped down the whole set of stairs. They flew into the car.

"Hey." I said buckling my seat belt.

"Hi." Damian said smiling. I nodded and looked out the window. I'm so use to be the one picking the person up. I'm use to being the one driving.

"So where are you driving me?" I asked looking at Damian. He kept his eyes on the road but glanced at me.

"A friends house to watch a movie. He said he felt lonely because his parents are gone. Just for a few weeks."

I know how he feels, parents disappearing for a few weeks. I had to use my saved money to buy food.

"Okay." I nodded as he parked. Wow.

Big. Was one word to describe the house. It was 4 stories, a beautiful light tan house. It had some maroon here and there, like the door.

It's not wide, it's sorta skinny, just really tall. Well if you include the basement it would be 5 stories.

"This..." I trailed off and pointed to the house. "Is his house!"

"Yeah. Let's go." Damian laughed and tugged me towards the front door.

The house looks different compare to the other houses. It's the only one with a different structure.

"Hey man!" A blonde said opening the door. He smile widely at Damian, he basically tackled Damian.

After a few very long seconds, the dude turned to me.

"Who's he?" Blonde asked pointing at me.

"Tyler, this is Carter. Carter this is Tyler." Damian introduced. I nodded and grinned.

"Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming." Blonde held his hand out. I shook his hand but apparently he had a different idea.

Tyler pulled my arm towards him, then embraced me. I froze just like ice.

I hate this. Getting a hug from a complete stranger. Damian is a different story.

Finally, Damian seemed to notice my in comfort and pulled Tyler away from me.

"Come in!" Tyler exclaimed and went inside the house.

Damian stepped towards me and gave me a nice warm hug. I visibly relaxed in his arms.

"Sorry about that. Tyler likes to be very friendly." Damian rubbed my back.

"I can tell."

Damian (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now