Chapter 1

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I watched as the big truck moved up the drive way and a small mini van moved in behind it. Shifting my paws from side to side as I anxiously tried to see what the commotion was. This property had been empty for quite some time and that was why I was here. 

To have the peace all to myself. The land was huge, it was private property which meant no one could come onto it unless they trespassed, and I certainly didn't want anyone hunting on these lands or better yet to see me.

The sound of closing doors brought me back to attention as I watched from a nearby bush and tree that sat beside each other, giving me the perfect camouflage from the human eyes. Concealing my giant figure. I watched as a male with black hair and a squared body got out of the moving truck, and a slender blonde haired women got out of the van, followed by the sliding doors pushing open to reveal a young blonde boy about the age of 11 or 12. But what really caught my attention was the long haired beauty that had stepped down from the passenger side, stare at the house in awe. 

She glance around her and I slunk closer to the bush to make sure she couldn't see me.

Something about her drew me to her. Intrigued me, and woke up a raging hunger.

The beast within me.

I gave a small growl as I stepped back from my hiding place and turned to walk deeper into the green forest, the leaves just barely changing colors as I wandered through them. Trying to get further from the new humans as possible.

I'd have to take extra caution where I went. A rumble ran through me as I wandered further and further away, the sounds of them moving about slowly disappearing. 

After seeing that girl a hunger ran through me, it starved me, and I needed to find food before my animal side took complete control over me. Coming towards a small stream that led to a lake on the other side of the property that led just outside of the land I followed it till I found the opening of the lake. 

It was a very closed off area to humans, very deep in the brush where no one dared to venture, untouched by the human hands of destruction. Seeing the water my blood started to run, my fur bristled with excitement as I took a few large bounds towards it and jumped in. 

I was submerged immediately as I doggy paddled back up to the surface taking in a large intake of breath.

The water was quiet and cool, surrounded by pines and maple trees that blew lightly in the hot sun, I heard a splash not to far from me. It was exactly what I had come here for. Diving I swam after the salmon that taunted me. Making myself push hard against the water to pick up speed I dived towards it with only a few strokes, opening my mouth and engulfing water. It didn't bother me, I was used to it, and if I really wanted to I could swim under water for about 6 or so minutes. I lunged at the fish and snatched it quickly, faster then any bear could possibly do. 

Swimming back up for air as the fish wiggled in my mouth as my sharp teeth dug into it, only tearing through it even more. I didn't wait till I got out of the water, I ate it where I was standing, devouring it easily, bone and all. It took nothing to break bone with my jaws, the bone was alright for me to eat, I rarely ever ate it unless I too hungry, and at the moment I was. The hunger burned more within me. 

I needed more, something to stop the pain, so I dived again, and again till the pain was more of a light burn. I had never felt this way before, it confused me, made me lose control.  


The sun was at it's highest brink in the sky, making sweat roll off me in little droplets as I helped my parents move the rest of our boxes into the new house. Our new home. The house was beautiful, 3 bedrooms, a fair modern sized kitchen, furnished basement, a small porch out looking a mere 330 acres of land, mostly forest, with little overgrown paths leading into its dark green reach.

I was both excited and nervous. Excited to have a new start in life, meet new people, have my own time to myself, nervous from the new change, adjusting. 

I wasn't very good with change, but no one ever was.

My younger brother came running in with his monster truck, driving it on top of all the boxes we had just finished unloading from the moving truck. "Billy, please be careful, don't knock anything down." My mother urged.  Billy was 11 years old, with a head full of golden hair just like my mom and me, my father had dark black hair, but we both inherited his green eyes. 

I rolled my eye's picking out my boxes that I still had to bring up to my room, throwing on three boxes on top of each other, I walked awkwardly to the stairs, and tried putting one foot on the step, just about missing it. My heart went to my throat for that quick death moment before I got over it and hurried on up the steps. My room was the farthest to the end of the house, it was the most private, just how I had wanted it to be. 

The door was already wide open and waiting for me to pass through. The stale air assaulted my nose as I put down the boxes as my parents soon followed me through with my bed frame in hand, and soon after with the mattress that went with it. The room was a plain white, but it had a nice view of the forest, where as the other rooms looked out to the road, so I really lucked out on this room. It was the perfect size for me, my dresser already sat in the far corner, alongside my TV unite and TV already half hooked up.

My most favorite part was unpacking, and reorganizing.

Mom and dad both left me as they hurried around the house unpacking stuff before the night came, which was fast approaching, I unpacked my blankets and pillows making the bed, and throwing myself on top. There was no car horns or yelling people outside, for once it was quiet.

"Lyric, can you help me with my room, please?" Billy called from the hall, huffing I sat up and wandered down to help him unpack. 

Later that night after a quick soup dinner we had all separated to our rooms to sleep off the exhaustion of the day, I had opened my window up to let the fresh air in when I thought I had seen something in the moonlight just at the forest edge, but it  was gone before I could see what it was. It could have been anything from a simple deer or wolf, but it still unnerved me. 

Chills ran through my body, weather from the cold breeze coming through, or a uncertain feeling making it's way into my mind. 

Stepping back from the window I crawled into bed and switched the lights out. Hoping to have a good night sleep, the only sounds coming from the frogs and crickets, and the odd howl now and then from a coyote or wolf. It was beautiful, and something I would never get sick and tired of. 






MCK. <3

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