Chapter 3

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A week went by quickly without any strange incidents, I kept myself preoccupied with looking for a job, and exploring the town, while helping my family unpack into our new house. 

I hadn't done any exploring of the property yet. I was a tad nervous to go near the forest let alone in it. There was just a strange feeling that told me I shouldn't go there. A feeling I had never experienced before, and I knew I should listen to it. Billy had started school it was a little past half of the school year but he was catching up quickly already, some of the stuff he had already learned from his old school.

I was currently home alone, both my parents had gone to work and Billy was still at school for another 3 hours. I was in the kitchen unpacking the dishes and setting up the dining room, for the last week we had been eating in the living room around the TV watching old movies. My parents wanted to have a nice sit around the table like we use to, and since I was the only one who got to stay home with nothing to do I automatically got volunteered to do it.

Deciding it was time to take a break I through on some shorts and a black tank top, throwing on a straw sun hat my grandma had given me awhile back before we had moved. It use to be hers but as a child I had always borrowed it at her house when I helped with gardening. 

Slipping on some sneakers I went outside to get some air. The wind was blowing calmly, the sun was high up in the sky. I pulled up a lawn chair and sat in it, giving a sigh of relief as the warm sun touched at my body. I must have dozed off at some point, when I woke up the sun was behind some fluffy white clouds, Billy was still not home and at this point I knew school had let out and he should have been here. 

Standing up to fast I knocked my hat off as gust of wind blew my hat away, it floated towards the haunting forest. I chased after it quickly trying to stop it before it hit the tree line. The hat stopped a few feet in front of me, as I bent down to grab it, another gush of wind pushed it further from me. I growled at myself in annoyance. I was still a little disoriented from just waking up, my mind was still asleep as my body reacted to catching the hat.

This time the hat blew into a thorn bush and stayed there. Without hesitating I grabbed the hat before the wind could steal it from me again. As I went to turn back to the house I swept my hand fairly hard against the thorn bush, causing a few small scratches on the top of my hand that seeped minimal blood. Cursing I stepped away from it carefully and inspected my surroundings as my mind woke with a start, I was just in the beginning layer of the forest.

"Damn it!" I whispered, a chill ran through me. A feeling seeping into my pores as I knew I was not alone in here. The whistling of the wind had stopped, leaving a deadly silence in its wake, there was no sounds of birds or bugs. Just silence. 


I froze.

My breath freezing.

My heart stopped for a fraction of a second.

Slowly turning around I met two golden honey eyes, surrounded by scruffy brown fur and a big body that went with it. My mouth dropped as I looked at the magnificent creature. One I had heard in stories or seen on television for documentaries, something that had lived here in Ontario but I had never truly thought to see with my own eyes, or at least this close to me. I could almost feel the hot breath as it huffed.

Grizzly bear.

The most dangerous bear of it's kind stood only a foot and a half from me, almost a head taller then my 5'9' on all four. They weren't to common in these areas due to the town being fairly close, they usually hid deep within the forest, but yet one stood in front of me.

Hunger danced in it's large eyes.   

I felt my eyes water with how long I hadn't blinked. It made a rumbling noise deep in it's chest, which was enough to bring me back to reality. 

Remembering the advice I heard I slowly knelt down watching the bear the entire time, as to not make it mad as I wrapped my arms slowly around my head and lay my head against the wet earth, I remembered not to run from a bear but to act dead. Weather this was true or not i was about to find out. I prayed in my head to not have just given this bear a free meal at his feet. I just hoped Billy didn't come home at this moment and get caught up in the same situation as I am right now. 

I felt a cold nose touch my hand where I had scratched myself, my hand was turned a bit on the top of my head showing more of my palms, I felt teeth grip my sore hand gently and turn it so the back of my hand showed upwards, then a warm tongue lapped at the dried blood. I whimpered in fear as the bear got a taste for me. My heart pounded against my rib cage. Then pulled itself away from me. Giving a growl. 

I couldn't handle it anymore, forgetting about my hat I crawled onto my feet and pushed forward running from the massive creature. It made a bearish type sound as I sped off. I screamed in fear as I heard the loud thudding of paws coming up behind me and quickly. My stomach twisted and turned as I tried keeping myself running forward. The house was in my view as I past the last few trees and bushes. 

Just as I was exiting the forest, I felt something hard barrel into me from behind  and send me sprawling across the ground, smacking my head off the grassy mud rather hard. I groaned in pain as I pushed my chest off the ground and got onto my knees. Hot and sticky wetness flowed over my forehead and down on my cheeks. 

I heard a funny growling noise, more like a longing moan, as a shadow fell over me, staring at the ground in fright I rolled over to face the bear. His muzzle just touching my nose.

"Please, don't hurt me." I begged as tears ran down my face, and then everything went black.

This was it, I was gonna die at a grizzly bears paws, and I couldn't even fight my way out of it.

Not sure how long I had been unconscious when my senses started to awaken sluggishly. 

I awoke to a nudging feeling and a sharp pain. Moaning I swatted whatever it was, eye's still closed as I cried in pain when I felt another tug of pain. Opening my eyes slightly I was met with brown rugged fur, and a set of very white sharp teeth, tinted in red as I saw a tongue flick out and touch my forehead. Gasping as the large pink tongue rolled over smoothly across my skin making sure not to miss anything in it's path.

It seemed to be savoring the taste, enjoying it slowly as it did it lightly, sending a few gruff sounds every time it brought it's tongue back in it's mouth. Acting like it enjoyed the coppery taste. The feeling was oddly comforting though. 

It was soothing and made me want to doze off again. 

I must have hit my head hard to give me a concussion, to be relaxed by the feeling of a bear preparing to eat me.

Then my world went black again.





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