The beginning of the Middle

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"Tell me why you did it."
I glance up at the officer. He is young, older then me, but young. If he wasn't such a fool I would think he was cute.

"Detective I've said it and said it. I did nothing" I stare him straight in the eye and try using a sugary voice. I've tried sarcasm and being abrasive.

"Okay. Fine. New question" I allow my eyes to glance up into his deep brow ones. "Tell me what you know" he says staring me down.

"Ha!" I yell with dry humor. What I know? It would be easier asking what I don't know. "That's cute" I reply.

His eyes keep staring into mine and I can read right through him. He's going through his checklist. I've done it before as well. He's using every trick he knows to get me to crack. Quickly switching tactics so I don't catch on. Clever.

"Look, we can do this all day. Bottom line, I'm not talking." I pause and glance through the one sided glance. I should be seeing myself but I allow my vision to sink through and see the other side. Two men and a woman stand their. The woman holding a coffee with her arms crossed. One man is dressed nicer then the other and looks older.
I tilt my head looking at his name tag.

"By the looks of your boss, you don't have all day. Detective Taylor doesn't let you take all day." Ever so slightly one brown eye becomes less visible to me. "Cracking me should be easy for an experienced cop like you. I'm just a teenager. However I'm a teenager that has all day and all night." I smile. An honest smile. This is all very amusing to me. "So bring. It. On." I finish leaning forward in the metal chair.

Detective nods a bit. Clearly giving me some credit which makes me smile a bit more.

"Read me brown eyes" I continue. "You know I'm not like the other crazies who sit in this chair."

"I'm human." That's actually negotiable. "So I can be...persuaded. A coffee might get you something more to go on" lucky for me I have tricks as well. If you don't deliver this line with the right voice people can get real pissed real quick. Learned that the hard way.

The detective pushed off from where he was leaning against the wall and starts heading out.

"Hey" I say casually. As if I was talking to a friend on the street.
Brown eyes pauses.

"I never got a name" I say a little flirtatious.

"You'll get a name when I get a name." He says. With that he walks off looking a little coy. As if he gained anything by our little battle. Look whose winning the war and he wouldn't be so coy.

"She's tough I can tell you that" a female voice says. I look in my peripheral vision toward the window and see the same woman except now her arms rest on the wall.

"Yeah well Don is tougher" the younger man replies. His heavy New York accent makes me smile. A bit.

"He's right Mac. I can get her to talk." Doubtful.

"I can come in if you'd like. Play bad cop and then you can come in being good cop" the other detective-Mac-replies.

I scoff a bit and I notice their heads turn towards me a bit. They think I can't see them. They think I can't hear them.

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