4// Like mother Like daughter

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"Jane, can you show Miss Beam where The Beatles records are? She wants to relive her youthful days," Kenny asked me.

"Of course, come a long Miss  Beam, I'll help you find the oh so charming John, Paul, Ringo and Gorge," I smile leading the old lady to the B section.  "Now any particular album you would like?" I kindly ask her.

"Oh yes! Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band please." She asked with her super soft voice.

"Okay. Umm, here we go! The Beatles, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band." I smile giving Miss Beam the record.

"Thank you very much Miss Jane," 

"It's my pleasure Miss Beam," I smile nicely.

"Oh! Please call me Marry darling, I feel old being called Miss Beam." She suggest as she pays for the record.

"Okay, farewell Marry," I smile as she walks out the store. But as she does I notice a something next to her. He was tall and slim. Grey hair and brown eyes, as he walk I notice he slowly faded. Where did he go and who was he? 

Was he? No it couldn't be!

I quickly run outside to go home with Kenny yelling for me to come back.

No it couldn't be. I don't want to be like her.

Just no! I am normal. I don't belong in a crazy home. Then as I walk into the door of my Apartment I feel a sudden feeling of loneliness. Why? Why not all my other brothers and sisters.

Now I am like my mum.

Now I am alone

Now I am officially crazy

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