5-OUAT in Camelot (Part 2)

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"And that, ladies and gentleman, is how Emma and I met!" Gwaine threw his head back to slosh his sixth mug of mead down. Merlin and Gwen laughed hysterically while Emma rolled her eyes at the knight's audacity.

"Oh please Sir Gwaine, you know that it was I who rescued you, and that I did not agree to any kind of mischief in your chambers that night either! I freed Gwaine, and then Graham appeared with Robin Hood and his Merry Men to help us. We declared a friendship and then parted ways," the princess righted Gwaine's story.

"Ha, Your Majesty needn't worry. We only ever believe half of what Gwaine says," Merlin told her as he ordered more mead for the knight.

"Yes well, no harm in trying," Gwaine grinned flirtatiously. 

"Oh sure," Emma nudged the knight playfully. "But hey, what about you guys? You still haven't told me how you met, how you became a knight, or what's up with the future queen of Camelot or about the all powerful wizard here!" She whispered the last bit.

"Well the story of how I met Gwaine is pretty much the same as yours. We met in a tavern, we fought some ruffians, and then Arthur cocked it up by telling him he's a prince, cause Mr. Knight here used to have some bloody God complex about royals," Merlin paused to see if Gwaine would interrupt. To the sorcerer's surprise, he only laughed heartily, and he was able to continue. "He then got banished from Camelot because of an accusation towards some knights. Of course later he came to help us in a tournament, and I told him that he should tell Arthur his father was a knight so that he could stay in Camelot. Still, this guy decided to leave and continued to seduce tavern maids."

"Of course he did," Emma eyed him, amused.

"He became a knight when Morgana took Camelot. That was when Uther initially became ill," Gwen spoke sadly. The mood turned sullen, and the four of them remembered why Emma was there and what would take place the next day- Uther's funeral.

"Yes, Percival, Ellian, Lancelot, and I were knighted by Arthur and we helped him take back Camelot. Merlin, of course, helped," Gwaine tried to ease the tension by teasing the wizard, as usual.

Merlin rolled his eyes, "Speaking of me, well, there's not much to tell! I've told hardly anyone about my powers. My mentor called Gaius, Gwaine, Gwen- gosh that's a lot of "G" names- and Lancelot. Oh well there's Rose who only keeps quiet because she's from Misthaven and knows a sorcerer. And you now know, of course."

"He almost gave us a heart attack the day I found out," the knight scoffed. "So Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin and I are out in the woods hunting and the two lovers wander off. Merlin and I stay in this little spot, and he bets me I can't climb to the highest branches of a tree so naturally I do-"

"And that's when he falls," Merlin interjected. Gwaine pushed his face away and continued his story:

"Whatever! I mean I'd have died had this one not caught me in midair after I fell from that tree. But I had a massive panic attack right there as Gwen and Arthur are returning to where we are. Gwen caught sight of us first and thinking that this could probably get Merlin into a lot of trouble, does some lightning fast thinking and distracts Arth-"

"She kissed him." Merlin stated matter-of-factly, to which Gwen became crimson and hid her face. Emma chuckled and threw her arm around the girl in sympathy. Merlin rambled on, "It lasted several minutes. I mean it only took a couple seconds to get Gwaine down and then tranquillize him, but I think Arthur wa-"

"Could you let me finish my bloody story?" Gwaine asked exasperatedly.

"Sorry," Merlin drew a line across his lips and jerked his hand back as if locking his mouth.

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