I Don't Even Know Your Name

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Chapter 2:

Shawn's POV

I watch the night flash by at the back of the cab. I'm thinking about her. The girl that I danced with tonight. I feel so stupid for not even asking her name or getting her number and now I will never see her again. I keep picturing the way her eyes looked when she was talking to me and the way she smiled. I pay the taxi driver and go into my apartment feeling a bit drowsy because of the alcohol. I shower and then try to get to bed but all I can think about is the girl from the club. After lying awake for hours I finally decide to get out of bed. I sit down at my desk and start to write.

Oh, you waited so long
Sometimes, it's hard to stand out
And you, don't have to do anything else

I take out my guitar and play an A chord but for some reason it doesn't seem to fit with the lyrics so I change it to a C chord. I play around with the song for a little longer until I feel too exhausted to continue. I collapse gratefully into bed with thoughts of the girl still on my mind. I can still picture clearly her smile and the way her eyes lit up when I made her laugh. I fall asleep dreaming of her.

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