Chapter 4-

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we swerve through the bustling crowd of the air port to get to the baggage claim, I'm a little zoned out to be honest and when zoe knifes me with her elbow i relies she was speaking to me.
" sorry zo, what was that". I gave her an apologetic smile.
"I said are you hungry? Were gonna go to get some thing to eat befor we check in to the hotel." She repeated a little annoyed i wasn't listning.
"Actually zo.. I'm really tyred and might head strit to the hotel if that ok?" I made it out as a question because I know zoe and I needed to do some catching up.
"Oh ok yeah sure." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and followed the others to get a cab.

I let out a sigh, pulling out my phone to cheak what i have missed in the last couple of hours on the flight, finding 2 txts from tyler and a missed call from sage i quickly opened tylers first txt  and slimed over it.

From ; Tilly<3
Conner and I got to the hotel alright, just about to give him a back massage ;) xx.

I felt my stomach tighten and my head spin a little, maby the flight gave me bad jet lag. Reading over tylers second text however made me feel slightly better but something about the first text made me feel.. Maby a bit jelous.was there something between connor and tyler that ty wasn't sharing with me his best friend.
I shook the thourght from my head and gathered my bags, heading outside to receive a cab to the hotel.


I shoved the key rad in the door hardly and swung the door open letting it bang against the wall of the walkway and tugged my luggage into the room befor liking the door shut behind me, discarding the bags to the side i floped face first on to the bed with a huff. I was so tyred, I hadn't replyed to tyler and had ignored the several txts from zoe asking if I had made it back to the hotel ok, I sliped my phone out of my back pocket and turned my head to the side bringing it to my face and unlocking the screen with a click noise, I pressed on sages contact.

"Troye! Iv been calling you what the hell I was worryed sick are you ok, did you get there safe?" The over dramatic voice of my beautiful caring sister rang through the speaker.

"Yeah sorry sagey I was a bit out of it before but I'm at the hotel and I'm fine I am just really tyred so can we make this quick." I said with a yawn slipping from my parted lips.

Sage just sighed , " ok but call me when ever you got the chance ok, and troye i miss you alredy"! She sang through the phone and I could hear the disappointment in her voice even though she tryed to hode it.

"Yeah of course, and sorry i am just jetlaged I'll call you in a couple days k? Love you sagey boo.." I cooed at her and she let out a small giggle.
" alright, bye troye love you too."

After hanging up the phone i lifted my bady from the mattress and made my way through the dark hotel room to the bathroom and turning on the shower and slipping off my clothing and stepping in to the hot spray.


Looking at the mirror in the steam covered room i ran my hand across the smooth fog covered surface to view my tyred appearance, I had slightly dark circles forming under my eyes tht stood out from my pale complexion, a knock on the door made me release a heavy sigh as I raped a towel around my waist and exite the bathroom, maby if I stay quiet and ignore them they will go away. I crept to my suit case and found a pair of briefs and slid them on letting the fluffy white fabric of the towel slide from my his to the floor. The knock came again. Just ignor it. I found some sweats and pulled them up my legs and a soft t-shirt to cover my naked chest. Another knock accompanied by the voice of zoe came from the door." Troye I know that your in ther I can see the light under the door and i herd you." She stated, I shuffled my way to the door and opened it wide so that zoe could entre. Striding passed me and sitting at the end of the bed, zoe gave  me as turn look " why didn't you answer my text and calls troye? All you had to do was text me you were alright   And that you were going to sleep I got worryed you were lost or worse". Her Saturn look now turning into a sad and worryed exspreshion.
" zoe you saw me less than, what two hours ago I can't of died in that time . "

Zoe remained quiet for a minute. "Troye were in a foren contrey and I just got worryed about you, do you understand why I'm worryed?"

" yeah zo, but I'm really tyred and my heads a bit cloudy rightnow sorry." Standing up and frowning he arms around my neck zoe pulled me into a hug, i wraped my arms around her small waist and wished her a good night befor she left.
"Oh troye, breckfast just you and me tommorow morning at 9:00 ?" Zoe questioned befor i closed the door.
" yeah corse zo." I gave her a sleepy smile and closed he door ushering myself back to the soft hotel bed and closing my eyes.

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