Chapter 15

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It's hard for me to look at Brodie without not want to cry and take the pain for her.

She is laying in a pack hospital bed seething in pain. Her face has gone red and her breathing is irregular, my mum is constantly wiping away the sweat on her face as the pain gets worse. Brodie's skin is burning up and she screams if it gets any higher.

I can't get any closer to her or she will try to kill me, we had to strap her down to the hospital bed so she can't hurt anyone.

My wolf is screaming in my head and is on the verge of taking over just to be near his mate but I tried to get close to her in the first day of this pain but she literally grabbed my throat with her hand and half choked me to death.

I'm really going against all my instincts right now. Sitting in the corner of the room, furthest away from Brodie. 

"She's gonna be fine dear" My mum spoke from Brodie's bedside 

Brodie's Dad was here all the time, He sat next to her bed all the time. I don't think he has slept in over 24 hours, sometimes he gives in and falls asleep but he wakes up when she screams. I think he has had about 8 hours sleep in the past 4 days. I'm not really counting

"You don't know that mum" I whispered "It's all my fault"

"Ashton, if you say it's your fault one more time I'm going to slap you" Max yawned and stretched out his arms 

Max has not once yelled or screamed at me, he hasn't got angry at me for putting his daughter in this condition. He has been really calm, except for the lack of sleeping and it's almost like he knows something we all don't.

"I don't know what to do" I replied 

At that moment Brodie lurched  forward on her restraints and screamed so loud my ears rung a little.

"She's getting worse" I yelled standing up out of my seat and tugging at my hair trying to pull it out.

My wolf Remus was going mad pacing back and forth inside my head and howling like a wolf with rabies. 

'Let me out' 

'No, I can't, I'll just cause her more pain'

"Maxwell" My mum yelled "Has Brodie always had this?"

I paid no attention as my wolf started trying to force his way into control 

'Remus, Stop'

'I need to help her. Mate is in pain. I know whats happening. Be near her'

'You know whats happening to her? Why haven't you told me'

'Because I wasn't sure until now. Be near her. Get mate outside NOW'

I heard my name being called, faintly

"Ashton, Ashton!" My mum was shaking my shoulders "Snap out of it your eyes are changing in conflict, don't fight with yourself"

"ASHTON" Brodie screamed

"ASHTON HELP" She screamed in pain as her whole body started going red and her veins started showing on her neck

That is not a good sign

"Leave our son alone Cecilia his wolf was telling him something, what was he saying?" My dad ran into the room from outside with the pack doctor following

"He was saying to be near her and get her outside now" I spoke up walking towards my mate who didn't look healthy at all, her skin was going red and sweat was covering her body.

"Then do as your wolf says" Dad yelled and the doctor raised his hand

"What" I looked at him defensively

"I was going to say did you want me to take the restraints off her" He spoke calmly

Brodie lurched forward screaming and broke the restraints herself, ripping them from her body

"I don't think you have to" I answered grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulder before quickly running towards the exit with everyone following behind me

We all ran through the pact hospital, which was the doctors house, and out into the backyard.

'Put her down on the lawn and step back'  Remus spoke in my mind

I did what he said and laid her down gently on the grass and stood back with everyone still behind me

"Whats happening?" Asked Max looking at his daughter with a frightened look

I was listening to her breathing, which was really fast like her heart beat which was beating faster than humanly possible, I was listening to the blood rushing through her body and it was going faster as well. 

Then I heard it, the distinct sound of bones fracturing.

"She's shifting" I breathed in astonishment 

She screamed louder than ever before and I remembered my my first shift, the extreme pain of every bone in your body breaking

Then it happened, the first bone broke and another five followed.

We all stood their doing nothing as her bones broke and fixed themselves over and over again. The whole pack was here now, they had heard her screaming and wondered what was going on.They were all here for their future luna and they all watched her shift in awe, they all winced when her bones broke.

This extreme pain continued for hours, it was dark when we first came out here and now its mid afternoon and we are all still here watching here shift.

I had to remind myself that she was going to be okay after all this but I couldn't help thinking that I caused all her pain for the past week or so, I'd caused all the pain she is still feeling. I caused it all and she is going to hate me.

As the sky started to go dark after the sun went down, her eyes looked straight at me and they were a completely different colour than before, they were her wolf eyes. And they were beautiful.

My wolf swooned and rolled around in my mind looking at her eyes.

It was then that I became terrified that she was going to leave me after this, That she'll hate me forever.

Fur started to covered her body and her bones broke for the last time as her wolf shape formed and her body grew larger like mine does when I shift.

Her last scream turned into a painful howl as her body fully shifted in front of everyone.


I want to apologise for my laziness and for not posting in forever. 

I just want to say that for the majority of this year i've been struggling with my mental health and it's been really hard for me to be able to be focused on anything but myself and trying to get better.

I have been trying to write this chapter for weeks now and I'm finally happy with the result and am able to post it now.

I have also been doing a lot of writing for other stories as well. Most of them I am not happy with so they wont be shared for a while.

Once again I apologise for making you all wait so long. I want to thank all the people who are putting my book in their reading lists and commenting on my chapters, you guys are an inspiration and I can't thank you enough.

Thanks for your time and dedication

xoxo Georgia 

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