Yodelling Lion

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She picked up the fluorescent scissors and ascended the isosceles stairs as she watched the actors acting a scene with miscellaneous props. The characters were charismatic and chaotic. The scenario was a woman riding a lion to her choir audition. 

The lady was anxious as she believed her lion would conceive a plan to reign over the world. 

He was no ordinary lion. He was heir to the state of royal choir culture. 

She, Caffeine, was in fact more worried about her feisty lion than she was about her weird choir audition. 

When it was her turn, she rode onto the stage, and the chief judge of choir kingdom, let out a shrill yodel. Caffeine hopped off. The lion walked as if preparing to charge the yodelling man, and then, with the ferocity of 100 angry mums, let out an even shriller yodel.

Caffeine's jaw dropped as she watched the chief judge give a standing ovation. 

"Tis an amazing art sat you possess," said the admiring judge to the beast. 

"But what about me?" Caffeine cried as she was pushed aside by the feisty lion who claimed his place in the spotlight, roaring.

"Oh yes, you too! You may join ze lihon. You shall be his mascot. Wear ze costume proudly and be ze lihon," said the judge, then he turned his thirsty hands towards the lion, "and ze lihon shall be, ze woman of ze cenzury." 

Suddenly, a foreign alien canoeist broke through the vintage stained-glass dome ceiling. Jean-Philipe the judge, let out a shrill yodel, that made the already broken glass microscopic. The alien in grief began creating mischief by beginning a veiled berry battlefield. Actors everywhere leapt to avoid the stains of the berry bullets.  

Caffeine found a sheltered corner where she calmly sipped on diesel and smiled murderously as she watched the panicked frenzy on the rest of the stage. 

The head director at the time was playing leisurely golf when he received word that chaos had been unleashed on his stage. Going full Rambo, he opened the 'only-open-in-case-of-emergency' emergency cabinet. He shaved his head and pulled out a gas mask and sleeping gas bomb. With the ferocity of 100 angry director mums he charged towards the crumbling apple pie stage he once called his pride and joy and launched the gas bomb. 

The bomb was efficient. Everyone passed out within a minute. In relief the director played golf for hours, and when everybody finally regained consciousness, he yelled, "CUT!"

The actors applauded unknowingly to a supposed job well done and the director smiled knowingly, as he faded into the darkness near the 'only-open-in-case-of-emergency' emergency exit door. 


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