Could You Watch A Man Die?

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Cyrus Barrone's POV

Five Years Earlier


Blood tainted my vision.

 No matter where I looked, that one colour was all that I could see. It blurred my sight and corrupted everything in the home that I had once only associated with happy memories. In my desperation to get rid of the bloodshed, I squeezed my eyes closed tightly. Even the inside of my eyelids were stained scarlet.

A small whimper passed through my chapped lips, causing a bead of blood to trickle down the side of my cheek. I coughed slightly, gagging at the metallic taste of blood that seemed to line the inside of my mouth, coating my teeth and tongue.

My whole body was aching. I ran the tip of my trembling finger along the deep wound that marred the side of my head and it began to throb instantly, causing me to flinch. Reaching out my bruised arm, I slowly dragged myself onto my stomach, daring to open my eyes once more.

Cold, dead eyes gazed back at me.

Automatically my shaking hand reached up to cover my mouth as I screamed inwardly and scrambled back as fast as I could. My heart slammed itself against my ribs repeatedly like a frightened bird trying to escape its cage, so loudly I was sure the vampires would come back upon hearing it.

Somehow I managed to compose myself and forced my gaze upon the lifeless corpse of my father once more. I grimaced, gagging again... unable to help myself. The sight of his mangled and lifeless body; the way his neck was twisted around on itself at a sharp angle, how his blood soaked the front of his chest from where I had watched his heart being torn from his ribs and – and those empty eyes.

I could remember my father’s eyes perfectly. The periwinkle blue orbs that glittered and shone with the wisdom of his years and the generations before him. They were the kind of eyes that made you feel you were safe in the owner’s hands.

Glancing upwards I stared vacantly at the flickering flame of the only lit candle in the room. It illuminated the blood on the table, much like the moon reflects on the surface of a river.

Terrifyingly graphic images began to play in my mind, accompanied by the sound of tearing flesh and strangled sobs. All too clearly I could see my father being dragged away from protecting my mother, those sharp teeth flashing as they pierced through her skin before they moved on to my older sister and began breaking her bones...

Heavy footsteps and the sound of snapping twigs suddenly brought me out of my twisted memories. I blinked rapidly for a few moments before clutching handfuls of my hair as the fear consumed all I was able to feel.

Had the vampires realised they hadn’t left me dead?

With tremendous effort I hauled myself up off of the stained floorboards and scrambled unevenly to my feet, stumbling as my legs almost gave way beneath me. A sharp hiss fell from my lips as I tried to walk; apparently my legs weren’t too happy about me attempting to use them. I grabbed the doorframe and rested my weight on it for a moment or two, trying frantically to steady my breathing and stop my head from spinning. Though as I struggled to support my own body once more, my knees buckled beneath my and I crashed to the floor.

Anxieties flooded through me as I heard the wooden door creak open again, followed by the tension that came with the soft sound of footsteps. Pushing my damp, blood-soaked fringe away from my eyes I, summoning all the energy I could muster, crawled under the sanctuary of my bed.

Sprawling out on my side, I curled my knees into my chest and hoped that the vampires wouldn’t find me. A wish that seemed impossible as all I could hear was the sound of my violently beating heart and shaky, shallow breaths.

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