As Fast As You Can.

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 Drew Woolnough’s POV

Present Day


I grabbed hold of my older sister’s hand, biting anxiously at my lower lip as she span round to face me, her auburn hair whipping around her shoulders in the breeze.

“Evelyn...” I mumbled quietly as I pretended to be immensely interested in my shoes. “I’m... I’m really hungry.” No sooner had the words fallen from my lips I had begun to feel sick with guilt.

My sister always managed to provide food for us, even when it meant risking her life and becoming a thief and a criminal. With that said... I guess it wasn’t really too surprising that she was looking at me as if I had physically slapped her in the face.

“I’m sorry, Drew.” She sighed, running her fingers through her hair desperately. “I’ll find you something.”

At that moment I quickly shook my head, clasping my hands together and wringing them in a form of protest. I knew I shouldn’t have opened my mouth; she was only going to blame herself for not being able to feed me properly.

It had been over five years ago since we had run away, back when I had been ten years old. I don’t really remember that far back – or at least – I tend to avoid trying to remember that part of my life.

Despite now living on the streets and having to steal for a living, we were in much better condition that we had been back with our family. Not that they had been much of a family at all.

The only family I needed was Evelyn. She looked out for me and I liked to think that I did my best to look out for her, though it was often her getting me out of trouble than it being the other way round.

“I could get some bread.” I finally suggested to my sister, lifting my shoulders into a small shrug.

“No.” Evelyn let a small chuckle pass her lips as she pulled her hair back from her face and tied it up with an old green ribbon, shaking her head at the very suggestion. “You’re just a kid, I’m not risking it.”

“I’m sixteen years old!” I huffed slightly, folding my arms tightly across my chest and stomping my foot on the ground like a child.

My elder sister gave me one of those suffering looks of hers, raised an eyebrow into a perfect arch, rested her palm on her hip and pointed a finger right at my rather melodramatic display.

“That’s not convincing me you’re ready for responsibility one little bit.” Evelyn pointed out bluntly, her eyes rolling heavenward.

“It’s been five years. I think it’s about time I learnt to fend for myself.”

The girl studied me for a moment, her dark green eyes flickering over my profile as if she was searching for something important. Finally, after what seemed like a year, she let a heavy sigh slip from between he parted lips.

“Drew... just don’t, okay?” Evelyn seemed to be weighing out the pros and cons silently in her mind, as she didn’t offer them up to me out loud.

“Fine, but I’m coming with you.”

“I can’t stop you doing that.” She admitted.

I punched the air triumphantly, clapping my hands together and jumping up and down on the spot.

I had decided that I was going to take responsibility for myself. Prove that I wasn’t just a child any more, that Evelyn really didn’t need to worry about me so much. All I needed to do was steal something without getting caught – I had grown up watching Evelyn do it for years, so it couldn’t be too difficult to put into practise.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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