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The next day, Jack's bullet wound had almost completely healed over according to him. It was amazing. Jack was like superman, but with doctor-like regeneration powers. Ze was in wonder...what if he'd get Chilled back to find he was Wolverine, or Adam was Batman?

"So...we're going for it, then?" Ze watched as Jack unwrapped the jumper around his shoulder, then quickly replaced it.

"Of course we are, I'm fine. We need to find Mark...and Chilled, and Adam".

"And Aaron" Ze added. He'd told Jack how he'd come to be wandering the woods by himself. "Lizzie's probably in a cell somewhere".

"Well, then she's probably the safest out of all of us. C'mon, let's go". They packed up the camp and started walking around the wall, trying to find an entrance. Eventually, they came across an iron door, which swung open with ease. Inside, a long flight of stairs led up to the first floor. Jack started up them, then Ze heard a noise.

"Shh" he muttered. A muffled sobbing noise, coming from around the corner.


"Listen". There it was again, groans of agony missed with terrified sobs. "Jack-"

"We don't have time!" Jack snapped, continuing up the stairs. "Follow me!" Ze was a little taken aback by Jack's sudden change of mood.

"No" he replied simply, heading round the corner and following the noise. Jack looked back at him, sighed, then continued up the stairs. Ze hurried around the corner, and dropped his torch when he saw who it was. Adam was lying against the wall, tears dripping from his eyes and a bullet hole in his leg. "Adam..."

"Ze" Adam choked, holding out his hand. Ze ran over and grabbed it, trying to stop the tear falling down his cheek.

"Adam, how-"

"They took Chilled" Adam mumbled. Ze stopped trying to save Adam's life.

"If Jack can do it, you can. Please, just...don't die. Don't die."

"I won't" Adam murmured. "I promise I won't. But...I think Jack wants you to go with him". Ze looked up the stairs at Jack, who was hesitating on entering the door.

"Ze, I need you with me. I can't save Mark alone. Leave him".

"I can't!" Ze yelled. Adam smiled.

"Chilled needs you more than me, Ze. Go with Jack. I'll be here when you get back. Go save the world". Ze squeezed Adam's hand then let it go, wiping the tears from his eyes. What sort of person would do this?

"Are you coming or not?" Jack asked impatiently.

"See ya, Nanners".

"I'm sure I will, Viking" Adam replied, making the effort to keep up a smile. Ze smiled back, then ran up the stairs to join Jack. Ze noticed a bright blue vein running up Jack's neck, but he didn't say anything. Just as well, because Jack quickly covered it up with his hand when he spotted Ze looking.

"Come on. We have to find Mark".

"And Chilled" Ze added. The blue vein was spreading up Jack's face quicker than Ze could run. "Jack-"

"I said I'm fine!" Jack snapped. "Come on. We have to-argh...we have to go!" It was taking over him now, blue streaks threatening to devour Jack's body.

"Jack!" Ze yelled, watching in horror as his friend writhed around, trying to stop it. Jack's fingers crackled with electricity.

"Ze, you have to go. I'm going to kill you" Jack said clearly and calmly, though his exasperated breaths told otherwise. "Ze, go!" Ze didn't move. "GO!" Jack screamed. Ze told himself that he would've hesitated as he ran down the hallway. As he turned the corner he bumped into another figure and bounced backwards.



"Run!" Ze grabbed Aaron by his collar and yanked him down the hallway, swinging open the nearest door and slamming it shut. Ze slid down onto the floor and tried to resume a normal pace of breathing. His heart was thumping in his chest.

"What was that?" Aaron asked.

"Jack." Ze replied, his voice hollow. "That was Jack. Something happened to him...he tried to kill me". Aaron widened his eyes, placing his head in his hands.

"Someone tell me this is all a dream. Please, someone tell me that it's just a dream. Pinch me." Ze took a deep breath.

"There's no time. Adam's dying downstairs, but being kept barely alive by the thing taking over Jack. Who knows how many of our friends are exactly like that! Aaron, we've got to help them." Ze watched Aaron's face change as he ultimately thought about Mark.

"Yes...yeah, alright. But...we don't actually know where we're going, do we?"

"No. But Chilled's life is at stake, as well as Jack's, Mark's, Tom's and Adam's. And everyone else that disappeared. Aaron, this is our chance to save YouTube!" Aaron smiled.

"Alright, but it's not exactly the world, is it!" Ze's face fell, remembering what Adam had said to him.

"They mean the world to me" he replied.


Yay! It's back. Thank you all for being so patient. I've no idea when I'll start on the next chapter, but I'm like that. I enjoy wattpad and I really want to stay active on it. You guys are the best, and special thanks to @LinkedHeart for inspiring me to start this story again. Have a great holiday for those who are, and have a great day for those who aren't! :)

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