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"Ah shit" my friend says as she drops another tray of glasses. Her second tray tonight. "Sky, you've been working here for almost two years, and you're still a terrible waitress. Please quit now and don't embarrass either of us anymore," I say, as I watch her frantically try and pick up the broken glasses, drinking my straight vodka. A good friend might help, but we've been friends for six years now, and she's like a sister to me, and let's face it, sisters don't help each other clean up. "Oh jeez, thanks, you're such a great friend, and hey, at least I'm getting better!" She's really not getting better but I decide to drop the topic, and I just roll my eyes. Sky finishes cleaning and walks over to the bar to serve some customers, as clumsy as she is, her friendliness somewhat compensates for it.

She finishes serving the old guys their drinks, and pours herself a vodka and coke. She can't handle the straights; she's always been too soft. She sits opposite me, but I can see that something's caught her eye. A smirk appears on her face and she slowly leans towards me. "Helloooo, Mr Handsome, and he's tall as well" she gestures towards the door behind me. I internally cringe at her choice of words, but hey, that's my best friend. I turn around, and believe me, when she said he was tall, she meant really fucking tall. She stands up immediately and heads to the bar. Please don't embarrass yourself Sky. She pulls all of her long red hair to the side. Here we go again. She always does this when she sees a guy she's interested in. God knows why. I look away for a minute to save myself from any potentially awful situations, and when I look back up, there's another guy at the bar. Sky does the hair thing again. Two guys at once. I've never witnessed this before. This should be funny to watch. I take a big gulp out of my drink. To my surprise the two guys actually start laughing at something she said. That's a first. She looks at me and winks, as if to say "I told you I still had it." It looks like they're listening to her. They seem really interested in what she's saying. Oh no. She just had to point at me. Way to go, Sky. The three of them walk over to the table I'm at and sit down

Sky grins widely at me. "Dean, Sam, this is my best friend Natasha" oh god, I hate it when anyone calls me that. "I'm Nat" I smile politely at them, while somehow simultaneously giving her an annoyed look. "So, who's who? I didn't quite catch it." The shorter guy, who I also think is older reaches out and shakes my hand, "Dean, and that's my brother Sam," he says with a smug grin, "It's great to meet you, Nat." He's still holding on to my hand. This is not good. I try to avert my attention to his younger brother. "Hey there Sam", he smiles at me. "So what brings you guys here?" Sam puts his hand on Dean's shoulder, and gives him a weird look. "We're part time undertakers, and they needed extra help for a few weeks" Dean says, solemnly. A look of desperation goes over Sam's face. Dean shrugs his shoulders. Sky looks at Sam, "don't be ashamed of your job, it's very important!" I roll my eyes. "Its not that important, and to be honest, I'd really rather not spend my Saturday night talking to brothers who spend their days with dead people," I say. Sam mutters under his breath "you don't know the half of it," I try to get up to leave, but Sky pulls me down. "Don't be so mean" she hisses, then smiles apologetically at Dean and Sam. Dean smiles understandingly "Its okay, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and I like a girl that speaks her mind," He winks at me. I act like I didn't see it.

I really don't want to be here. I'd rather be at home, watching Netflix with some beers, with no guys in sight. And here I am listening to Sky try and chat up two guys at once, and Sam seems genuinely interested in her, but I have a horrible feeling that Dean is into me. He's a really, really attractive guy, but that's the problem. He's a guy. And I am very, very gay. I really need to drop a hint. "So, Sky" I say, interrupting their conversation, "I forgot to tell you that my ex, Violet, texted me yesterday, asking to meet up again. I mean, wow, she has some cheek, after what she did." From the corner of my eye, I see Dean looking very confused, but I'm pretty sure that Sam knew all along. "So, are you bisexual, Nat?" he asks hopefully. "No, I'm very homo." He seems really disappointed after registering this and I feel a little bit bad, but I can't help it.

They finish their drinks, so Sky goes up to get them some more, and I offer to help. I hear Sam say to Dean "Hey, dude, how did you not know she was gay?" Dean still looks really pissed off and says "I mean, I thought she was really hot, in like a tomboyish way. You know what I'm like around hot chicks." Sam laughs. "Well I've got a chance with the hot straight one; I never thought I'd be more of a hit then you with the ladies." Sam looks happy and proud, but Dean chuckles. "One night, little brother, one night." I look over at Sky, to see if she can hear this, but she's too busy serving some customers. "Whatcha mean, one night? You know I'm not that kind of guy." Dean raises his eyebrows at what his brother says. He chuckles and says "Well if it don't work out, send her my way." Dean winks at Sam suggestively. I am definitely not letting Sky go anywhere near Dean.

Later that night, after a few too many, I go back to my apartment, but Sky stays at the bar for a while to talk to Sam and Dean. It's not a long walk back, thankfully, because I'd be way too drunk to walk a long way. Its only two blocks. It was a really fun night, and Sam was really interesting to talk to. He was telling us that he used to go to law school. I was thinking how the hell he became an undertaker after studying law, but I decided not to ask. Maybe the poor guy failed his exams or something.

I wait up for Sky but at three she still hasn't come home so I go to bed, because I'm working tomorrow.

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