School Events(kindergaten)

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Parent -Teacher Conference

Parents would come once every term to you know…check our work and stuff and talk to teachers . Kids loved this day because they could show off their parents. Throuhout the term lids had been like"you know my mummy has this and my daddy has this", so kids would grow envious and be like "you are lying" then the other kid would be like "wait until you see. My daddy is so big he will beat you up… "
       There was this girl who had PERFECT handwriting…so perfect… it was tiny but really neat. So I tried copying her and it turned out so tiny. So my parents came to school to look at my books only to see words the couldn't understant. They just saw"…" I remember them laughing in amazement…

We used to look forward to christmas alot! This is because there would be concerts, parties, PRESENTS…

   There was this time I was suppossed to act as Mary in the Christmas concert. So i had to sing a song and put clothes in my stomach. I found that very embarrassing. So on the day I was supposed to present, I just went and sang the song with tears in my eyes. So when I was supppsed to go back on stage as a heavily pregnant Mary, I ran and hid backstage and refused to go on stage with the huge stomach, and i got my way!

We would look forward to Santa Claus, or as we used to be told he was called, "Father Christmas". I hate how that sounds- Father Christmas…I dont know why- sounds corny to me. Anyway ya…so he would come with huge bags of presents, each with a name of a student. Man… we felt good that (I'm gonna call him Santa Claus) knew each of us! We felt so special. However, one could see jealousy in children's eyes when other kids got really huge presents and theirs was small. For kids, size matters alot. Personally I used to think that Santa loved the kids that got bigger presents. I remember the lump I used to get in my throat because of that. Its only when I grew older that I got to know that the administration would secretly tell the parents to send the presents for their children!

  I also remember parents coming for our Christmas parties and playing with us,  puttin on silly hats like kids…good times.

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